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You can import prior content from Blackboard 6/7/8/9 exports into Canvas.
Open Settings

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.
Import Content into Course

Click the Import Course Content link.
Select Content Type

In the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Blackboard 6/7/8/9 export .zip file option.
Choose File

Click the Choose File button.
Open File

Find and click the Blackboard .zip file you want to import [1]. Click the Open button [2].
Select Question Bank

In the Default Question bank drop-down menu, select the Question bank you want to use for your question bank from Blackboard.
Create Question Bank

If you do not have a question bank you want to use, you can create a new question bank. In the drop-down menu, select the Create new question bank option.
Select Migration Content

To import all content from the course, click the All Content button [1].
If you want to select specific content, click the Select specific content button [2].
Note: If you select the specific content option, you are required to select the content you want to import after you review the remaining page options. After you start importing the content, the import selection cannot be canceled.
Overwrite Assessment Content

To overwrite the assessment content with matching IDs, click the Overwrite assessment content with match IDs checkbox.
Some systems recycle their IDs for each new export. Therefore, if you export two separate question banks they will have the same IDs. To prevent losing assessment data Canvas treats the question banks as separate objects despite the IDs. Choosing this option will disable this safety feature and allow assessment data to overwrite existing data with the same IDs.
Adjust Events and Due Dates

If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox.
View Content Import Warning Message

When importing content, a message displays explaining that importing the same course content or export package more than once overwrites any existing content in the course.
Import Course

Click the Import button [1].
A progress indicator displays the upload status by percentage [2].
View Current Jobs
The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import [1].
If you chose to select specific content in your course, the current job will show as Waiting for Select [2], which means you must select the content you want to import.
The import may also display other status indicators as part of the import process. Learn more about course import statuses.
View the content from any completed imports by accessing any link in Course Navigation.
Hello I am the new LMS Admin at my university and we are currently transitioning from Blackboard to Canvas. One issue I've been tasked to solve is finding a way to preserve student data in the case of a grade dispute.
We've been able to pull extract the archived courses from Blackboard, but they are not in a format that allows us to review them easily. I've heard of a software called "BFree" but it is apparently no longer available for download.
Please let me know if you know of any solutions!
When the Canvas Credentials LTI is installed in Blackboard, you can access it in your courses.
Sign into Blackboard

To sign into Blackboard, enter your username [1] and password [2]. Click the Sign In button [3].
Open Course

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].
Open Credentials

In the Details & Actions navigation [1], click the Book & Tools link [2] and then select the Credentials link [3] under available tools.
Although I have been through this migration many years ago and under different circumstances, I'm back at another institution that is considering a switch from Blackboard Classic to Canvas. There are options for migration from Instructure itself (1,000 courses for free.). There is also a company called K16 that does this, but they are super expensive.
What can we expect in terms of course fidelity if we license Canvas and choose one of these two migration options?
I recall when I went through this in 2014 that it was basically a course re-build. Files came over, but the course structure was essentially useless. Many of the tools were not even the same. That can be an opportunity to reset, of course, but it is a ton of work.
Guessing....I'll bet that hasn't changed much in nine years.
I look forward to hearing your experiences and suggestions...
Thank you!
Hello, I need to migrate one or more Blackboard courses in one (one only) Canvas course. Is there an easy way to do this? I was told that if I export each single course will override the previous one. I am new to Canvas so maybe there is an easy fix. I thought to export each course as new Canvas course, but then if I merge in Canvas it seems that it looks like different session of a course, while I need only one course (no sessions). Thank you!
Blackboard transferred over to canvas around 2022. For prior students in 2021, how do we get access to those files to use for current course work?
- Labels:
I'm trying to export the IMSCC files from Canvas to Blackboard, but they are coming up as HTML pages and all the graphics are lost.
I read that you can try changing the file name from IMSCC to zip - does anyone know if that actually works? I don't have access to the Blackboard space.
Applicable Learning Management System(s): Blackboard Ultra, Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, D2L
Campaign Description: Students in a virtual class setting often have to log into multiple video platforms to access all of their classes. With choices ranging from Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, WebEx, and more, many universities are requiring or suggesting a preference toward one video platform to create consistency across courses. This hint message will inform faculty of the preferred video platform Blackboard Collaborate but can be adjusted to reference any platform.
Success Criteria: Faculty is informed about university preferences for virtual classroom video platforms.
Submitted by (and on behalf of, if applicable): Katie van den Berk
Using Blackboard Collaborate for Virtual Classes
The faculty are informed about university preferences for virtual classroom video platforms.
Location: Course Home
Audience: Instructors
Content Type: hint message
Copy Message Content:
Have you considered which video platform you are using for your virtual classes this year?
While all video platforms are allowed, the university encourages the use of Blackboard Collaborate because students can reach out to university support when tech issues arise. Additionally, because it is located within Blackboard, no need to worry about privacy issues or downloading any software!
Centralizing virtual classroom platforms in the same locations throughout courses eliminates confusion for students and creates consistency among faculty. You can access Blackboard Collaborate here.
What are the major advantages of the Canvas Learning System vis-a-vis Blackboard? I know that much has been made about the need to migrate from the latter to the former. However, it would help to understand why the migration has been worth the effort. Thanks.
After importing course content from Blackboard into Canvas, all of the announcements, most of which were not visible to students in Blackboard (waiting to be activated on different dates during the semester) are all now visible to students in Canvas. How can I fix that without individually changing the due date on every single announcement? Isn't there a way to make them all unavailable at once? I saw that the ability to bulk edit announcements was discussed as a major need somewhere else on this site, but I couldn't figure out how to comment there. Why hasn't this improvement been made yet? (New potential Canvas user here).