Activity Feed
- Got a Like for Re: Create UTF-8 encoded CSV files for SIS import from Excel. 03-11-2022 10:14 AM
- Got a Like for Re: Adding courses for instructor and student resources in Canvas. 08-06-2020 02:58 AM
- Got a Like for Ability to Create a stand-alone module.. 06-03-2020 11:22 AM
- Got a Like for Ability to Create a stand-alone module.. 02-23-2020 03:36 PM
- Got a Like for Ability to Create a stand-alone module.. 06-27-2019 04:37 PM
- Got a Like for Ability to Create a stand-alone module.. 06-25-2019 05:27 PM
- Got a Like for Ability to Create a stand-alone module.. 05-07-2019 02:42 PM
- Got a Like for Re: "Hidden" Feature Options. 05-17-2018 08:57 AM
- Liked [Modules] Time as a module requirement for progression for hunter. 05-03-2018 01:25 PM
- Liked Class Photo Page for heidiadams. 05-03-2018 12:56 PM
- Liked [Gradebook] Class Average in Gradebook for karl_thompsen. 05-03-2018 12:55 PM
- Liked [Announcements] Start and End Dates for theresajackson7. 05-03-2018 12:52 PM
- Liked [Dashboard] Customize the View in Dashboard for klc137. 05-03-2018 12:50 PM
- Liked [Dashboard] Link for ALL COURSES on the Dashboard for gnoack. 05-03-2018 12:49 PM
- Liked Masquerade as Students in Canvas Catalog for jsowalsk. 05-03-2018 12:47 PM
- Liked Make Canvas Catalog Accessible for jsowalsk. 05-03-2018 12:46 PM
- Liked SIS ID column in Gradebook for lisa_ward. 05-03-2018 12:44 PM
- Liked Due Date in Gradebook Header for jjordan1. 05-03-2018 12:43 PM
- Liked Tool to check Accessibility at the course level for Sylvia_Ami. 05-03-2018 12:42 PM
- Liked [Discussions] Allow instructor to block/moderate student from discussion board for jolaine. 05-03-2018 12:41 PM