- 您的讲师可在课程导航 (Course Navigation) 中选择隐藏作业链接。如果未提供作业链接,则仍可从用户或课程控制面板、教学大纲、评分册、日历或单元访问作业。
- 如果您正在访问的作业显示不同,则表示您的作业可能正在使用作业增强 (Assignment Enhancements) 功能。进一步了解使用作业增强功能查看作业。
00:07: How do I view assignments as a student? 00:10: Access the assignment section through the menu. 00:13: In assignments, you can view all the assignments in your course. 00:17: By default assignments are grouped by date. 00:20: You can view assignments grouped according to their due dates. 00:24: Overdue assignments assignments and discussions that are passed the 00:28: due date are still available have not been submitted and have not been graded. 00:34: Upcoming assignments assignments discussions and quizzes 00:38: that have an upcoming due date. 00:41: Undated assignments assignments discussions and quizzes 00:45: that do not have a due date. 00:48: Past assignments assignments and discussions that are passed the due 00:52: date and either are not available have been submitted or have received a grade quizzes 00:56: that are past the due date. 01:00: To view assignments Group by type click the show by type button. 01:04: You can view assignments by assignment groups such as assignments homework 01:08: and papers. You can also see how much each grouping 01:13: will be worth in the final grade. 01:16: Each assignment also includes an icon which indicates the assignment type 01:20: discussion assignment or quiz. 01:24: Each assignment displays the assignment name any availability dates for the assignment 01:28: due date if any and the number of points the assignment is worth. 01:34: The first dates you may see are called availability dates. 01:37: Sometimes your instructor only wants you to submit an assignment during a specified 01:41: date range. So the available dates are the range of time that the assignment is accessible 01:46: to you. 01:48: If the assignment does not have a date listed the assignment is open. 01:51: You can submit the assignment at any time during your course. 01:56: If the assignment says available until date you can submit the assignment 02:00: until the specified date. 02:03: If the assignment says not available until date the assignment is locked 02:07: until the specified date. 02:10: If the assignment says closed the assignment cannot accept submissions. 02:15: The second set of dates are the due dates for each respective assignment. 02:19: Any assignments submitted after the due date or marked as late some 02:23: instructors May deduct points for late submissions. 02:26: Again, not all assignments may include a due date. 02:30: You can still submit late assignments before the available until date. 02:35: Please be aware that the due date may be before or on the available date. 02:40: Due dates also include a time if your instructor does not set a 02:44: due time the listed date displays. 02:46: The course is default due time. 02:49: You can search for an assignment by typing an assignment title or a keyword in the search 02:53: field. If your course includes multiple grading periods, 02:57: you can view assignments by grading period 03:01: To view the details of an assignment. Click the name of the assignment. 03:06: When an assignment is open to you to submit at any time, you can view the due 03:10: date points and the types of submissions you can use for the assignment. 03:14: Not all assignments may have a due date. 03:17: You can also view additional details. 03:21: Instructions any instructions that your instructor has about the assignment, 03:25: please note that you cannot download assignment instructions, unless your 03:29: instructor has included a link to download them. 03:32: You can also print the screen or copy and paste the directions into a word processing 03:36: program or you can also view the assignment in the canvas mobile app. 03:42: Rubric any grading criteria that your instructor has provided for the 03:46: assignment. An assignment may or may not include a rubric before 03:50: submitting your assignment. You may want to review the assignment rubric. 03:55: For example an assignment may have a due date but may not list any other dates. 04:00: If you were to miss the due date, you could still submit the assignment for late credit 04:04: before the last day of the course. If the assignment does not have a due 04:08: date you can submit the assignment at any time before the last day of the course. 04:14: To submit your assignment click the start assignment button. 04:17: You can also submit a quiz or reply to a discussion. 04:21: When an assignment is open to you during availability dates, you can view all available 04:25: assignment information in addition to the specific dates. 04:28: The assignment is available to you. Availability dates may include 04:32: a first available date open date last available date Lochte 04:37: or closed or both dates to create an overall date range. 04:41: The due date may be before or on the last available date if one is set. 04:46: If you were to miss the assignment submission due date, you could still submit the assignment 04:50: until the last available date. Once the last date passes you 04:55: can no longer submit the assignment. 04:58: Your instructor May limit the number of submission attempts you are allotted for an assignment. 05:02: If your assignment has a limited number of submissions, you can view the number of submission 05:07: attempts you have made in the number of submission allowed for the assignment. 05:12: Once you have used all your submission attempts, the new attempt button displays 05:16: is disabled. 05:18: An assignment can be locked before an instructor wants it open or after a specific 05:22: date has passed after the due date. 05:24: When an assignment is locked you can view the rubric if any and 05:28: the assignment details. You can also view the date when the assignment 05:32: will be open for submissions if it has not been opened yet. 05:37: When an assignment is closed you can still view the rubric if any and 05:41: any existing submission details in the sidebar, but you can no longer view the 05:45: assignment details or submit resubmit the assignment. 05:49: You can also view the date. The assignment was locked to submissions. 05:53: Assignments clothes when they are only available until a specific date. 05:58: This guide covered how to view assignments as a student.

在课程导航 (Course Navigation) 中,点击作业 (Assignments) 链接。
注意:如果作业 (Assignments) 链接在课程导航 (Course Navigation) 中不可用,您可以通过单元 (Modules) 页面访问课程作业。

默认情况下,作业按日期分组 [1]。您可以查看按照其截止日期分组的作业:
- 过期作业 [2]:已过截止日期的作业和讨论,还可用,还未提交和还未被评分。
- 未来作业 (Upcoming Assignments) [3]:有未来截止日期的作业、讨论和测验。
- 无日期作业 (Undated Assignments) [4]:无截止日期的作业、讨论和测验。
- 先前作业 [5]:已过截止日期,而且不可用、已提交或已评分的作业和讨论;已过截止日期的测验。
注意:作业页面支持键盘捷径。要查看带有键盘导航快捷键列表的窗口,请同时按住键盘上的 Shift + 问号键。

要查看按类型分组的作业,请点击按类型显示 (Show By Type) 按钮 [1]。您可以按作业组查看作业,如作业 [2]、家庭作业 [3] 和论文 [4]。
您也可以查看每个分组在最终评分中的分值 [5]。

每个作业还包含一个图标来指示作业类型:讨论 [1]、作业 [2] 或测验 [3]。

每份作业显示作业名称 [1]、作业的任何可用日期 [2]、截止日期(如有)[3] 以及作业应得的绩点值 [4]。

- 如果作业没有一个日期列出,作业是开放的; 您可以在课程任何时间内提交作业 [1]。
- 如果作业有可用截止日期 (Available until) [日期],则您可以在指定日期前提交作业 [2]。
- 如果作业有不可用截止日期 (Not Available Until)[日期],则作业将锁定至指定日期 [3]。
- 如果作业设定为关闭 (Closed),则作业不能接受提交项 [4]。
注意:如果所列日期设置为上午 12 点,则提交作业的最后一天是所列日期前的一整天。例如,如果一个作业的可用日期直到 3 月 30 日,您可以在 3 月 29 日晚上 11:59 前访问作业。

第二组日期是每项作业的截止日期 [1]。在截止日期之后提交的任何作业被标记为迟交;一些讲师可能对迟交扣分。此外,并非所有的作业都有截止日期。
在可用直到 (Available until) 日期之前,您仍然可迟交作业。
截止日期也包括一个时间 [2]。如果您的讲师没有设置截止时间,列出的日期将显示课程的默认截止时间。

如果您的课程包括多个评分周期,您可以按评分周期查看作业 [1]。
您可以在搜索 (Search) 栏中键入作业标题或关键字来搜索作业 [2]。


当一个作业允许您任何时候提交时,您可以查看截止日期、分值和您可以使用的作业提交类型 [1]。不是所有作业都有一个截止日期。
- 说明 (Instructions) [2]:您的讲师关于作业的任何说明。请注意:除非您的讲师包括下载作业的链接,您不可下载作业说明。您也可以将屏幕打印或复制并粘贴在文档处理的程序里。您还可以在 Canvas 手机的应用程序中查看作业。
- 评估表格 (Rubric) [3]:您的讲师为作业提供评分的标准。一个作业可能会包括评分细则。提交作业前,您可能要查阅作业的评估表格。
要提交作业,,请点击开始作业 (Start Assignment) 按钮 [4]。您也可以提交测验或回复讨论。

如果您错过了提交作业的截止日期 [1],您还可以在最后的有效日期提交作业 [2]。一旦最后日期过了,您就不可以提交作业。
注意:在查看 24 小时的截止日期时,将显示可用性窗口。

讲师可能会限制某项作业分配给您的提交尝试次数。如果您的作业的提交次数有限,您可以查看您已做出的提交尝试次数 [1] 和作业允许的提交次数 [2]。
您用尽所有提交项尝试次数后,新尝试 (New Attempt) 按钮将显示为禁用 [3]。

