您可以利用公告索引 (Announcements Index) 页面查看您课程内的公告并过滤这些公告。您还可以从 Canvas 通知,接收新公告,在近期活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard), 上查看公告,或在待办事项清单中查看公告。
00:07: How do I view announcements as a student? 00:10: In course navigation click the announcements link 00:14: The announcements index page displays global settings at the top of the page followed 00:18: by the individual announcements Announcements are listed in 00:22: Reverse chronological order with the newest appearing first and the older announcements appearing 00:27: towards the bottom. 00:30: An announcement includes 3 sections the announcements toolbar the announcement 00:34: and announcement replies. 00:37: The announcement toolbar will remain at the top of the screen when you are viewing announcement replies. 00:43: To search for replies or specific authors enter your terms in the search 00:47: field. 00:49: To filter replies click the filter drop-down menu. 00:52: You can filter by all replies or unread replies. 00:56: To sort replies by newest or oldest click the sort button. 01:01: The announcement includes important information about the announcement including the announcement 01:05: title and description. 01:08: You can also view the name of the author 3 the date and time the announcement 01:12: was published or edited and number of replies. 01:17: Announcement replies display below the announcement topic To 01:21: view threaded replies. Click the hash reply link To 01:25: Mark a message as unread click the mark As unread link. 01:30: The guide covered how to view announcements as a student.
在课程导航中,点击公告 (Announcements) 链接。
要搜索回复或特定作者,请在搜索字段中输入词语 [1]。
要筛选回复,请点击筛选 (Filter) 下拉菜单 [2]。您可以按所有回复或未读回复进行筛选。
要按最新或最旧的回复排序,请点击排序 (Sort) 按钮 [3]。要返回公告顶部,请点击顶部 (Top) 按钮 [4]。