我该如何获得有关 Canvas 的帮助?
通过使用帮助菜单,您可以获得 Canvas 的帮助。帮助 (Help) 菜单生成资源列表,用来帮助您使用 Canvas。Canvas 根据所有注册课程内的身份显示链接; 例如,如果您是一个在一门课程中有讲师身份的学生,那么,帮助 (Help) 菜单将向您显示学生和教师可用的链接。
本教程概括介绍您所在机构的帮助 (Help) 菜单中可能包含的默认帮助链接。但是, 您的机构可自定义 Canvas 帮助菜单,隐藏默认链接与作为资源创建自定义链接。
注意:根据您的机构,帮助 (Help) 菜单或许不可用。
00:07: How do I get help with canvas as a student? 00:10: At the bottom of global navigation, click the help link. 00:14: Depending on your user role. There are 7 default links for help or feedback. 00:18: Search the canvas guides ask your instructor. 00:21: A question ask the community covid-19 00:25: Candace resources. 00:28: Video conferencing guides for remote classrooms report. 00:31: A problem and submit a feature idea. 00:35: Your institution they reorder or remove the default links. 00:39: Your institution May remove or modify which length displays as a featured 00:43: link and which link displays the new label Leslie, 00:47: your institution can include custom links in The Help menu. 00:50: Custom links may include pages to phone numbers support 00:55: information and other resources. 00:59: The search, the Candace guides link helps you search canvas documentation for information 01:03: about features in canvas. 01:06: Ask your instructor. A question, link allows you to contact an instructor Ortega 01:10: and any of your active courses directly from the help page. 01:14: And of course drop-down menu. Select a course that relates to your question 01:18: in the message field. Enter the message for your instructors. 01:22: When you're done, click the send message button, replies will be sent to 01:26: your conversations inbox. If your course, includes more than one instructor 01:31: or top, your message will be sent as a group message to all instructors. 01:35: Tas in the course. 01:37: He asked the community link allows users with an instructor, TA or desiigner 01:41: Bass troll to collaborate with other members of the canvas Community for answers to Canvas 01:45: questions. This link directs to the finance through space in the canvas 01:50: community. 01:52: The covid-19, Candace resources link allows users to view tips for 01:56: learning online, using canvas. 01:59: The video conferencing guides for remote classroom blank allows users to access 02:03: guides and resources for using web conferencing and remote classrooms and 02:07: online courses. This link may not appear in your canvas help 02:11: menu. 02:13: The report, a problem link helps you report problems and canvas. 02:17: You may find a faster response to your question by searching the canvas guides. 02:21: But if you can't find an answer, you can submit a ticket and get 02:25: support help. 02:27: In the subject field, create a subject for your ticket. 02:31: In the description field, describe the problem you are experiencing in canvas, 02:35: please be as detailed as possible to help troubleshoot the problem in 02:41: the drop-down menu. Three, select the statement that best describes how the problem 02:45: is, affecting you. When you're done, click the submit ticket button 02:49: depending on your institution support schedule, you'll receive a reply 02:53: as soon as possible. 02:56: The submit a feature idea, link allows you to submit feature ideas to Canvas 03:00: this link directly to the feature ideas space in the canvas community. 03:06: This guy covered how to get help with canvas as a student.
在全局导航的底部,点击帮助 (Help) 链接。
- 搜索 Canvas 指南 (Search the Canvas Guides) [1]:搜索 Canvas 指南,获取与 Canvas 功能相关的信息
- 新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) Canvas 资源 [2]:用户可以在线查看教学资源
- 远程课堂会议指南 [3]:用户可以查看和搜索在远程课堂和在线学习中使用会议的指南和资源
- 报告一个问题 (Report a Problem) [4]:向我们的支持团队提交与 Canvas 有关的问题
- 向讲师提问 (Ask your Instructor a Question) [5]:询问讲师关于课程材料的问题,或向他们发送消息
- 向社区提问 (Ask the Community) [6]:与 Canvas 的专家以及您的 Canvas 同学交流与 Canvas 功能相关的想法和解决方案
- 提交功能想法 (Submit a Feature Idea) [7]:提交与改善 Canvas 有关的想法
- 显示欢迎访问 [8]:查看欢迎访问来进一步了解 Canvas
您的机构可以删除或修改哪些链接显示为特色链接 [1],以及哪些链接显示新 (New) 标签 [2]。
最后,您的机构可以在帮助 (Help) 菜单中包含自定义链接 [3]。自定义链接可能包括电话号码、支持信息和其它资源的页面。
新型冠状病毒 Canvas 资源
![新型冠状病毒 Canvas 资源](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/003/301/129/original/bee5a5a3-612d-4c8f-83a7-cc68cb30d060.png)
利用新型冠状病毒 Canvas 资源 (COVID-19 Canvas Resources) 链接,用户可以查看关于使用 Canvas 在线学习的提示。
查看 Web 会议资源
![查看 Web 会议资源](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/003/301/123/original/ca977090-3d76-4418-8e54-4120b9582088.png)
利用远程课堂会议指南 (Conference Guides for Remote Classrooms) 链接,用户可以访问指南和资源,从而在远程课堂和在线课程中使用 web 会议。此链接可能不显示在您的 Canvas 帮助 (Help) 菜单中。
报告问题 (Report a Problem) 链接帮助您报告 Canvas 中的问题。
通过搜索 Canvas 指南,您可能更快地找到问题对应的答案。但如果您没有找到答案,您可提交一个任务单以获得支持帮助。
在主题栏 [1],为您的任务单创建主题。
在说明栏 [2],详细说明您在 Canvas 遇到的问题。为了帮助解决问题,您的说明越详细越好。
以下信息有助于 Canvas 支持团队更快地解决您的问题:
- 指向用户或用户的姓名和电子邮件地址的链接。
- 指向发生错误的位置的链接。
- 对正在发生的事件的总结。
- 正在发生的事件的截屏或截图。
- 您为 Canvas 支持团队复制您的体验所采取的步骤。
- 您尝试过的解决方案(即清除缓存和信息记录程序)。
帮助 Canvas 支持团队的其他信息:
- 如涉及任何文件,请提供文件副本。
- 如果是自定义工具问题,请提供工具名称。
- 如果之前有任何与您的问题相关的案例,请提供案例编号。
在下拉菜单 [3],选择最好说明问题如何影响您的句子:
- 就是随意问题、评论、想法、意见
- 我要一点帮忙,但不急
- 某个功能坏了,但是,我可以暂时避开
- 我无法做任何事直到您回复我
- 十分严峻紧急
当您完成时,点击提交任务单 (Submit Ticket) 按钮 [4]。
![向讲师提问 (学生)](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/003/301/127/original/f7dc0327-3d82-473f-a537-32da5677dea3.png)
向讲师提问 (Ask your instructor a question) 链接允许您在任何活跃的课程中直接从帮助页面联系讲师或助教。
在课程下拉菜单 [1],选择与您问题相关的课程。在信息栏 [2],给您的讲师输入信息。
当您完成时,点击发送信息 (Send Message) 按钮 [3]。回复将发送到您的会话收件箱。如果您的课程包括超过一个讲师或助教,您的信息将作为小组信息发送到课程中的所有讲师/助教。
向社区提问 (Ask the Community) 链接 准许具备讲师身份、助教身份或设计员身份的用户与 Canvas 社区的其他用户合作,获取 Canvas 问题的答案。此链接定向至 Canvas 社区中的寻找答案 (Find Answers) 区域。
利用显示欢迎访问 (Show Welcome Tour) 链接,您可以了解如何查找自己的课程、联络讲师以及下载学生应用程序。