Canvas 收件箱分为两个面板,按照时间顺序显示消息。您可查看和回复会话,以及通过课程或收件箱的类型排序。
收件箱 (Inbox) 没有任何的文件大小限制;但是,添加到会话的附件包含在发件人的个人文件中。
- 如果您右键单击或点击收件箱 (Inbox) 链接的选项,可以在新浏览器标签页中打开收件箱 (Inbox),以便您在 Canvas 中处理其他事务时方便地使用它。
- 一旦用户在课程中有活跃注册,他们就会在会话显示,课程发布前,用户不能参与课程。
- 课程结束后,您不能向该课程中的用户发送消息。
00:06: How do I use the Inbox as a student? 00:09: In global navigation click the inbox link It's 00:13: the inbox blank includes the numbered indicator the indicator shows. 00:17: How many unread messages do you have in your inbox? Once you read the new 00:21: messages the indicator will disappear. 00:24: The toolbar includes global message options. 00:28: To load conversations, filter your messages by course or group and type. Filtering by type lets you filter messages by Inbox, Unread, Starred, Sent, Archived, and Submission Comments. 00:43: You can search for conversations by user in the Search by user field. 00:48: To compose a message, click the Compose icon. 00:52: Once you have selected a conversation you can use the other options in the 00:56: toolbar to Reply to a conversation reply 01:00: all to a conversation archived a conversation delete 01:05: a conversation. You can also use the more options icon 24-hour 01:09: market conversation is read or unread and star conversations. 01:15: Conversations for your selected course and Inbox filter appear in the left Inbox panel. 01:21: The Inbox is organized chronologically from newest to oldest with the newest conversations appearing on top and the older conversations at the bottom. 01:30: You can manually mark a conversation as read or unread by hovering over the conversation and clicking the circle to the left of the conversation. 01:39: To star a conversation, hover over the conversation and click the star to the right of the conversation. 01:46: When you select a conversation, all messages in the conversations thread appear in the right Inbox panel. 01:53: The conversation thread displays the title of the conversation. 01:57: Each message with in a conversation displays the names of the message participant 02:01: with the name of the sender in bold. 02:04: You can view the course name the author's personal pronouns if enabled 02:09: and the date and time the message was sent. 02:12: You can also view the message content. 02:15: To deselect the conversation click the return icon. 02:19: To reply to the latest message in a conversation. 02:21: Click the reply icon. 02:24: The reply-all forward archive star or 02:28: delete the entire conversation thread click the more options icon then 02:32: click one of the options. 02:35: You can manage an individual message within a conversation to reply 02:39: to a message with in a conversation. Click the reply icon. 02:44: To reply all forward or delete a message with in a conversation thread 02:48: click the more options icon then click one of the options. 02:53: To select multiple message conversations to Archive. 02:56: Delete Mark as read Mark as unread or Star 03:00: click the check box for each message then click the inbox 03:04: toolbar more options icon and select an option. 03:09: This guide covered how to use the Inbox as a student.
00:00: How do I use the Inbox as an Instructor? 00:03: In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link. If the Inbox link includes a numbered indicator, the indicator shows how many unread messages you have in your Inbox. Once you read the new messages, the indicator will disappear. 00:18: The toolbar includes global message options 00:22: To load conversations, filter your messages by course or group and type. Filtering by type lets you filter messages by Inbox, Unread, Starred, Sent, Archived, and Submission Comments. 00:37: You can also search for conversations by user in the Search by user field. 00:42: Once you have selected a conversation, you can use the other options in the toolbar to: Reply to a conversation. Reply-all to a conversation. Archive a conversation. Delete a conversation. You can also use the More Options icon to forward, mark a conversation as read or unread, and star conversations. 01:03: Conversations for your selected course and Inbox filter appear in the left Inbox panel. 01:09: To star a conversation, hover over the conversation and click the star to the right of the conversation. 01:16: When you select a conversation, all messages in the conversations thread appear in the right Inbox panel. 01:23: Within each conversation, you can reply, reply-all, forward, or delete the entire conversation thread. You can also hover over an individual message and use the same commands within the individual message. 01:37: To select multiple messages to archive, delete, mark as read, mark as unread, or star, click the check box for each message. You can also press the command key (Mac) or the control key (Windows) while clicking each message you want to select. In the Inbox toolbar, click the desired option. 01:58: This guide covered how to use the Inbox as an instructor.

在全局导航,点击收件箱 (Inbox) 链接。
如果收件箱 (Inbox) 链接包含带数字的标记,则标记显示您的收件箱 (Inbox) 中未读消息的数量。一旦您阅读新邮件时,指示灯就会消失。
该工具栏包括全局信息的选项。要加载会话,请按照课程或小组 [1] 和类型 [2] 筛选消息。您可以利用“按照类型筛选”按照收件箱 (Inbox)、未读 (Unread)、星标 (Starred)、已发送 (Sent)、存档 (Archived) 和提交评论 (Submission Comments) 来筛选消息。
您也可以在按用户搜索 (Search by user) 栏中按用户搜索会话 [3]。
要撰写消息,,请点击撰写 (Compose) 图标 [4]。
如果管理员启用了收件箱设置,工具栏上就会显示设置 (Settings) 图标和撰写 (Compose) 按钮。收件箱设置允许您生成自动回复或添加签名。
要管理收件箱设置,请点击设置 (Settings) 图标 [1]。
要撰写消息,请点击撰写 (Compose) 按钮 [2]。

您所选课程和收件箱 (Inbox) 筛选结果的会话显示在左侧收件箱 (Inbox) 面板内。

收件箱 (Inbox) 按从最新到最旧邮件的顺序组织,最新会话显示在顶部 [1],较旧的会话显示在底部。
您可以通过鼠标悬停在会话上并点击会话左侧圆点 [2] 的方式将会话手动标记为已读或未读。要开始会话,将鼠标悬停在会话上,并点击会话右侧的星号 [3]。
您选择某个会话时 [1],会话线程中的全部消息都显示在右侧收件箱 (Inbox) 面板上 [2]。

会话主题显示会话标题 [1]。
会话中的每条消息都显示消息参与者的姓名,发件人的姓名以粗体显示 [2]。
您可以查看课程名称、作者的人称代词(如启用)以及发送消息的日期和时间 [3]。
您还可以查看消息内容 [4]。
要取消选择会话,请点击返回 (Return) 图标 [5]。
要回复会话中的最新消息,请点击回复 (Reply)图标 [1]。
要回复全部、转发、存档、添加星号或删除整个会话主题,请点击更多选项 (More Options) 图标 [2]。然后点击其中一个选项 [3]。

您可以管理会话中的单个消息。要回复会话中的消息,请点击回复 (Reply) 图标 [1]。
要回复全部、转发或删除会话主题内的消息,请点击更多选项 (More Options) 图标 [2]。然后点击其中一个选项 [3]。