您的讲师可能会分配您检查另一个学生的作业。您可以在 Canvas 的近期活动流 (Recent Activity Stream)、待办事项列表 (To Do list) 和个人作业页面中查看同侪评审通知。一旦分配了同侪评审,您还将收到电子邮件通知。
注意:如果您正在访问的作业显示不同,,则表示您的讲师可能在您的课程中启用了作业增强 (Assignment Enhancements) 功能。
00:00:Learn how to conveniently track and manage peer review assignments on Instructure with these straightforward instructions. You'll effortlessly navigate through the platform to stay on top of any pending tasks. 00:12:Once a peer review is assigned to you, a notification displays in several dashboard areas. 00:18:On your Dashboard, you can view recent activity in your Global Activity stream. Recent activity will display a peer review and the name of the course. 00:28:Click the Show More link to access the assignment and view the name of the peer review student. If a peer review is anonymous, the name will show as Anonymous User. 00:38:On both the Dashboard and the Course Home Page sidebar, the To Do list shows the peer review assignment. Peer reviews are identified with the Peer Review icon. To view the assignment for review, click the Peer Review for [Assignment Name] link. 00:53:You can also view peer reviews when viewing assignments. In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link. 01:00:In the Assignment Index page, you can view any peer reviews assigned to you. To open the peer review, click the Required Peer Review link. 01:09:You can see the name of the student whose assignment you are reviewing. If your peer review is anonymous, the student's name displays as Anonymous Student. 01:18:In the sidebar under Assigned Peer Reviews, you will see any peer reviews assigned to you. 01:24:The caution sign icon indicates the peer review has not been completed. 01:29:A check mark icon indicates that you have completed the peer review. If your peer review is anonymous, you cannot see the name of the student. The peer review will be shown as Anonymous User. 01:41:This guide showed how to know if you have a peer review assignment to complete.
在控制面板上,您可以查看您全局活动流中的近期活动。近期活动显示同侪评审和课程名称 [1]。点击显示更多 (Show More) 链接访问分配的作业并查看同侪评审学生的姓名 [2]。

在控制面板和课程主页侧栏上,待办事项列表显示同侪评审作业。同侪评审用同侪评审图标标识。要查看待评审的作业,请点击[作业名称]同侪审阅 (Peer Review for [Assignment Name])链接。

您也可以在查看作业时查看同侪评审。在课程导航,点击作业 (Assignments) 的链接。
注意:您也可通过控制面板 (Dashboard)、课程活动流 (Course Activity Stream)、教学大纲 (Syllabus)、评分册 (Gradebook)、日历 (Calendar) 或单元 (Modules) 访问您的作业。
在作业索引 (Assignment Index) 页面中,您可以查看分配给您的任何同侪评审。要打开同侪评审,请点击要求的同侪评审 (Required Peer Review) 链接 [1]。
您可以查看您正在评审其作业的学生的姓名 [2]。如果您进行的同侪评审是匿名的,则学生的姓名显示为“匿名学生”。

在“分配的同侪评审”项下的侧栏中,您可以查看所有分配给您的同侪评审。警告标志图标表示同侪评审尚未完成 [1]。一个绿色的对号图标表示您已完成同侪评审。
- 如果您的讲师启用了评分细则,评分细则预设作业的评分方式,则您必须使用评分细则分配评分。但是,您的讲师也可以选择要求您也在评语侧栏内留下评语。
- 如果您的讲师分配了“书面或无需提交类型的作业”,则分配的同侪评审不显示在本页面上。但是,仍可从控制面板中查看分配的同侪评审。