注意:推荐用户使用 Chrome 浏览器或 Firefox 浏览器访问会议界面。
00:07: How do I join a conference in a course as a student? 00:11: In course navigation click the link for your web conferencing tool the 00:15: link name reflects the conferencing tool used by your Institution. 00:20: Next to the conference you want to join click the join button? 00:24: To use your microphone during the conference Click the microphone icon. 00:28: To join the conference without enabling a microphone click the listen-only icon. 00:33: You will be able to change your audio preference once you join the conference. 00:39: To enable a microphone in a Chrome browser. Click the allow button. 00:44: To ensure your audio is working correctly select the microphone and speaker. 00:48: You will be using speak a few words. 00:50: And if you hear audio you will see activity on the your audio stream volume 00:54: bar. 00:56: Then click the join audio button. 00:59: View the conference. 01:02: This guy covered how to join a conference in a course as a student.

在课程导航 (Course Navigation) 中,点击网络会议工具对应的链接。链接名称反映您的机构使用的会议工具。

在您想加入的会议旁边,点击加入 (Join) 按钮。

要在会议期间使用麦克风,请点击麦克风 (Microphone) 图标 [1]。要加入会议而不启用麦克风,请点击仅收听 (Listen only) 图标 [2]。一旦您加入会议,将需要更改音频首选项。
查看 Chrome 麦克风权限

要在 Chrome 浏览器中启用麦克风,请点击准许 (Allow) 按钮。
查看 Firefox 麦克风权限

要在 Firefox 浏览器中启用麦克风,请在共享麦克风 (Microphone to share) 菜单中选择您的麦克风 [1]。然后点击准许 (Allow) 按钮 [2]。

为确保您的音频正确运作,请完成私人音频回声测试。说几句话,如果您听到音频,请点击是 (Yes) 图标 [1]。要选择其他麦克风并重复执行音频测试,请点击否 (No) 图标 [2]。