作为学生,我该怎样在列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard) 中为全部课程使用待办事项清单?
列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard) 在日历视图中显示所有课程待办事项,帮助您轻松管理所有课程的任务。待办事项清单包含您的讲师指定给课程待办事项清单的已评分待办事项以及所有未评分待办事项。您还可以在控制面板 (Dashboard) 中添加自己的待办事项并查看这些事项。列表视图控制面板(List View Dashboard)还显示日历事件和课程公告。
- 列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard) 不考虑收藏的课程,只根据日期、课程 ID、截止日期和截止时间显示所有项目。
- 待办事项还可在课程卡视图控制面板 (Card View Dashboard) 和近期活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 中查看。
00:07: How do I use the to-do list for all my courses in the list, view dashboard, as a student? 00:13: To open dashboard. Listview click the options icon, and select the list 00:17: you option. 00:19: The list view, dashboard defaults to the current date. 00:22: To view previous and future dates, scroll up and down the page. 00:28: To quickly return to the current days to Dos, click the today button, 00:33: To quickly access prior items with new Activity. 00:35: Click the new activity button. 00:39: When multiple courses include to-do items on a single date, courses 00:43: are listed. By course, name and items are listed by due time. 00:47: Graded items display the point value for the graded item. 00:51: To-do items include icons that represent the item type Pierre 00:55: review, calendar event, announcement assignment 00:59: page, discussion or quiz. 01:04: To access a to-do item, click the item name. 01:08: To view the homepage. For a course, click the name of the course. 01:13: List view, include labels and icons to quickly communicate and items status 01:17: and activity. Items with new activity, display unread 01:21: indicator, and include an activity label. 01:24: New activity can include one or all of the following labels, graded 01:28: replies or feedback. 01:32: What is a graded item is past the due date? The item displays a missing in 01:36: Decatur and a missing label. 01:39: Missing items submitted after the due date display a late label. 01:43: If your instructor has re-signed an assignment to you the item displays, 01:47: a redo label, you must resubmit your assignment 01:51: Greatest items are automatically marked as completed. 01:53: Once they are submitted non-graded items must be manually marked as completed. 01:59: To manually mark an item is complete. Click the check box for the item when 02:03: you manually mark an item. The item status will update when you refresh the 02:07: page. 02:10: Completed to do items, remain in the to-do list for you to view at any time to 02:14: view information, about completed, to-do, items, click the show, completed item 02:18: link. 02:20: The completed items display a completed check box to view. 02:23: Completed item information, click the item name. 02:26: The next time you refresh the page, the completed items will once again be 02:30: hidden within the completed link. 02:34: Have you a list of greatest past due items across all your courses, click 02:38: the alert menu button, the alert menu helps. 02:41: You see what opportunities are available to you to improve your course, grades? 02:46: If you knew alert items, click the new link. 02:48: You can dismiss new alert items by clicking. 02:51: The remove icon dismissing. A new alert, item does not affect its status 02:55: or Market is completed. 02:58: Have you dismissed alert items, click the dismiss link. 03:02: To view your current course, grades click the Gradebook icon. 03:06: The migrates menu displays your current course grades. 03:08: Click the course name link to view the grades page for your course. 03:14: You can add your own to-do items to the dashboard items associated with 03:18: a course display as part of the course items and arranged by due date General. 03:23: To-do items always display below all courses to do. 03:26: Items can be edited at any time by clicking the edit icon. 03:31: The attitude. Ooh, item click the add item icon. 03:35: To change the dashboard View at any time, click the options menu. 03:40: This guy covered how to use a to-do list for all courses in the list, view dashboard, 03:44: as a student.
要打开控制面板列表视图 (Dashboard List View),请点击选项 (Options) 图标 [1] 并选择列表视图 (List View) 选项 [2]。
注意:根据您所在机构的设置,您的控制面板可能默认为列表视图 (List View)。
列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard) 默认为当前日期 [1]。
要查看前后日期,请上下滚动页面 [2]。
要快速返回至当前日期的待办事项,请点击今日 (Today) 按钮 [3]。
要快速访问有新活动的先前项目,请点击新活动 (New Activity) 按钮 [4]。
同一天有多门课程包含待办事项时,课程按照课程名称 (Course Name) 列示,项目按照截止时间列示 [1]。
已评分项目显示已评分项目的绩点值 [2]。
- 同行评审 [3]
- 日历事件[4]
- 公告[5]
- 作业 [6]
- 页面 [7]
- 讨论 [8]
- 测验 [9]
列表视图 (List View) 包含标签和图标,用于快速沟通项目的状态和活动。
有新活动的项目显示未读符号 [1] 并包含活动标签。新活动可以包含下列一个或所有标签:
- 已评分 [2]:提交项已评分
- 回复 [3]:公告和讨论有新回复
- 反馈 [4]:讲师通过提交项评论对已评分项目发表了新反馈(反馈只通过 DocViewer 注释做出时不显示)
已评分项目超过截止日期后,项目显示缺交符号 [5] 和缺交标签 [6]。
在截止日期后提交的缺交项目显示迟交标签 [7]。
如果讲师已将作业重新分配给您,则该项目将显示“重做”标签 [8]。您必须重新提交作业。
查看警报菜单 (Alerts Menu)

要查看您的全部课程中超过截止日期的已评分项目,请点击警报菜单 (Alerts Menu) 按钮 [1]。警报 (Alert) 菜单帮助您查看有哪些机会可供您提高课程评分。
要查看新警报项目,请点击新 (New) 链接 [2]。您可以点击删除 (Remove) 图标来删除新警报项目 [3]。删除新警报项目不会影响其状态,也不会将其标记为已完成。
要查看已删除的警报项目,请点击已删除 (Dismissed) 链接 [4]。
要查看您当前的课程评分,请点击评分册 (Gradebook) 图标 [1]。我的评分 (My Grades) 菜单显示您当前的课程评分 [2]。点击课程名称链接以查看您的课程的评分 (Grades) 页面 [3]。
您可以在控制面板 (Dashboard) 内添加自己的待办事项。与课程关联的项目显示为课程项目的内容,并按照截止日期排列 [1]。普通待办事项始终显示在所有课程的下方 [2]。随时可以点击编辑 (Edit) 图标来编辑待办事项 [3]。
要添加待办事项,请点击添加项目 (Add Item) 图标 [4]。
注意:你也可以使用日历 (Calendar) 来添加待办事项,这些待办事项也将显示在列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard) 中。

随时可以点击选项 (Options) 菜单来更改控制面板视图。