Canvas and Turnitin

Community Champion

Turnitin is well known for plagiarism and integrates with Canvas when an institution purchases a Trurnitin subscription. Many instructors rely on services for plagiarism education, prevention, and detection. Turnitin is also a valuable tool for grading and peer reviews. Turnitin currently integrates with Canvas in two different ways, but Turnitin is phasing out the older method.

The oldest Turnitin integration with canvas is known as the API integration. Currently, Turnitin is phasing out this older integration, but still offers support to schools who are not having a good experience with the LTI.  

The newer method of using Turnitin is the LTI tool. Turnitin’s page for the LTI tool includes the official Admin, Instructor, and Student Guides

Tutorials from Instructure for using the Turnitin LTI can be found here: , How do I create a Turnitin assignment?, and How do I manage Turnitin assignments?

Canvas has also developed a more robust framework for plagiarism detection services: Spring Cleaning Is Coming: Plagiarism-Detection Improvements Headed Your Way! Turnitin has announced that they will be continuing the LTI plugin while also developing a new plugin using the framework canvas is developing. The target release for the new plugin is Fall 2017. This new plugin promises Turnitin assignment creation within Canvas's interface for those who wish to use Canvas for most operations but would like an originality report from Turnitin. Users who wish to grade in Turnitin or use Peermark will wish to use the LTI version. However, Turnitin says institutions will be able to run both the LTI and the new plugin simultaneously. 

What is "Feedback Studio"?

Feedback studio is the name for an interface overhaul for Turnitin that took place in mid 2016. You can see an interactive tour and demonstration of the interface (Note the ability to use bold, underline, italics and hotlinked text in Grademark comments).  The materials in this blog now refer to feedback Studio, but only Grademark and originality reports have been incorporated into Feedback Studio. Peermark and its interface has not changed at this time.

Does Feedback Studio alter any functionality?

Yes, but the changes only affect the grading functionality of Turnitin.  As of May 23, 2016, the ability to view the complete list of Grademark comments is missing. For students, the implementation of rubrics in Feedback Studio is clunky as I discuss in this video:

Thankfully, Turnitin is listening and refining Feedback Studio. As of early 2017, the ability to search for quick marks while grading has been restored.

As a local Canvas Administrator, how do I configure the Turnitin LTI?

There are multiple sets of instructions with varying levels of detail for local canvas Administrators on the Turnitin website. Here is the best set of instructions, and here is the current configuration of the Turnitin LTI at the account level for my school:


1. Name the configuration.

2. The consumer key is provided to your account by Turnitin.

3. The launch url is provided by Turnitin and is the same for all institutions. The launch url for Turnitin UK Users is

4. Completing the domain field with "" ("" for UK users) enables Turnitin to launch from the Canvas speedgrader report icons.

5. Setting the privacy to public allows Canvas to share student names and emails with Turnitin.

6. Turnitin documentation states that the Custom Fields may be left blank. However, adding the code developed by canvas engineers adds several convenient features that sync information between canvas and Turnitin so that instructors do not need to enter information in both Canvas and Turnitin, including due dates, assignment id's, assignment titles, points possible, and availability dates. The graphic depicts all of the available codes.

Here is a short video demonstrating the syncing features added by the custom code.

Can my institution enable both the API version and the LTI version as we transition to the LTI?

Turnitin has offered varying answers on this question. The latest answer is yes. In an email sent to local Turnitin instructors on 4-11-2016, Turnitin states, "For those who are wondering, it is possible to run the legacy Canvas integration and Canvas LTI integration in parallel during the transition period."

What happens to API enabled assignments when the API version gets shut off?

In an email sent to local Turnitin instructors on 4-11-2016, Turnitin states, "When the previous Canvas integration becomes unavailable, classes and assignments originally created through the previous integration will remain accessible by logging into Turnitin directly. These older classes and assignments will not be visible in the LTI integration."  Although, I believe this access is limited to Turnitin administrators.

On the Canvas side, The API enabled assignments stay in Canvas and all Canvas functionality remains intact when the Turnitin API gets turned off. Submissions and grading in Canvas persists in Canvas once you turn off the API; only the link to Turnitin is lost, which means losing direct access to originality reports and any grading done in Turnitin. Although, with the API turned off and LTI turned on, you can currently see the icons and percent in the speedgrader for past assignments. If you try to click on the icon, you get this error message:


The text "Turnitin has been enabled for this assignment" persists in Canvas assignments when the API has been turned off but the LTI tool has not been turned on for that assignment even if the course is copied for a new term Of course, there is no way of knowing if this will change once Turnitin phases out the API altogether.

An instructor who wants to preserve grading in Turnitin from the API version for personal access, must save the grading as a .pdf one paper at a time before the API gets turned off. Originality reports can be saved one at a time, or reports can be reproduced by resubmitting the file to Turnitin and disregarding the first submission when interpreting the originality report.

When we turned on the LTI, I converted my existing assignments to use the LTI without issue.

Do teachers and students have to sign up for an account at

No one absolutely needs to create a separate Turnitin account. The tool uses the email address in the user's Canvas profile as an identifier, and log in from Canvas is seamless even for first time users. However, the instructor cannot use the Canvas test student for testing the LTI tool because the test student does not include a profile and email address. When I started using the LTI, I had a previous Turnitin account under the same email my Canvas profile uses, so the tool recognized me and put all submissions into my preexisting account.

If an instructor accessed Turnitin for the first time in the LTI and then later had a desire or need to access information in the web interface at, the instructor can go through the forgotten password process at to set up a password and then can begin to use the webinterface. It is probably advisable for an instructor to have access to the interface for using the iPad app, submitting for students at, managing rubrics and saved grading comments, etc.

Does the LTI version of Turnitin have feature X?

Yes! All of the major Turnitin features are present in the LTI version, including originality reports and grading (with reusable comments, rubrics, etc.) through Feedback Studio, e-rater (automated comments), grade anything (PowerPoint Excel, etc.),  peer review (in Peermark), ios app, and cloud submit.

How does an instructor set up an assignment using the LTI tool?

Instructors add Turnitin as an external app to an assignment. This video demonstrates the process (assuming you have enabled the custom codes in your LTI configuration for Turnitin:

When creating an assignment, should I load Turnitin in a new tab?

I prefer to use a new tab, but there are pros and cons to both approaches. Probably the most important thing is to be consistent on your campus to avoid confusing students. Here is a video showing what each option looks like:

Update:  As of June 30, 2016, Instructors must no longer launch a Turnitin assignment to initiate the assignment in Turnitin. The Turnitin release notes state, "Students can now launch into an assignment and trigger its creation; this relieves instructors from being forced to have first interaction with the assignment before students are able to submit." However, the instructor must set an available from date and a due date in Canvas to allow students to initialize an assignment.

How do students submit to a Turnitin LTI assignment?

Go here for a .pdf tutorial on uploading a word processing file to a Turnitin assignment.

How do students complete peer reviews?

Here is a .pdf tutorial on using PeerMark.

I want to set up an assignment sequence of rough draft, peer review, and final draft.

You will need two assignments in Canvas / Turnitin. The first assignment will be for students to submit drafts and critique each other with Peermark. The second assignment will be for the submission of the final draft. This video tutorial demonstrates setting up an assignment and adding a Peer review component with Peermark. Note that only the grade on the paper in Grademark gets passed back to the canvas gradebook, so if you want to grade Peer reviews, you can add reviews into the paper grade (what I do), or you can set up an assignment with no submission and manually enter grades for the peer reviews:

How does the grading work?

An instructor can choose to grade using Turnitin's Grademark or Canvas's Speedgrader.

I do all of my grading in Turnitin's Grademark. I use the Quickmarks (saved comments I can reuse) with a rubric and enter the grade in Turnitin. The grade gets passed to the Gradebook in Canvas. It actually works quite a bit like the Canvas Speedgrader, and you can advance from student to student as well as quickly flip through all of a student's submissions for the term. I prefer Turnitin's Grademark because I can save and reuse remarks (with clickable url's!). Turnitin also can layer the originality report and Grademark, so the instructor can see the originality report while grading. Unlike the older API plugin, Quickmarks, rubrics, and PeerMark libraries persist across Canvas courses, so there is no need for importing or exporting Turnitin assets after the initial use.

As of the August 29, 2015 update, the student submits the paper to Turnitin, and Turnitin sends a copy of the paper to Canvas. The copy of the paper in Canvas may be graded in the Speedgrader, but if you wish to use a Canvas rubric, you must add the rubric to the assignment before configuring the assignment submission as an external tool.

How do students receive their feedback?

Here is a tutorial for receiving instructor feedback through Grademark. If the instructor chooses to grade in the Canvas speedgrader, then the process is the same as it is for any other Canvas assignment except that the student can also click on the Turnitin icon to view her originality report.

How can I tell if my students have viewed their feedback?

If you use Grademark for grading, you can access the Turnitin inbox through the link on your Canvas assignment:


In the image above of a Turnitin assignment inbox, the eye icon indicates a student who has viewed feedback. The dots are students who have not seen the feedback.

Will Turnitin send a grade from Turnitin to the Canvas Gradebook?

Yes! Grades entered in Turnitin automatically get posted to the Canvas grade book. However, this is a one way link. Grades posted in Canvas do not show up in Turnitin.  

Can I use the Turnitin iPad app to grade?

I use it all of the time! In fact, the iPad Turnitin app does something nothing else does right now: you can download papers to the iPad and grade them without an Internet connection, using a rubric and Quickmarks (saved and reusable comments). Then, when you hit wifi again, the papers sync back to Turnitin (and therefore to Canvas).

Where can I see the originality report for a paper?

Icons for the originality report show up in the Canvas speedgrader and gradebook.  The full report can be seen by clicking on the icon in the speedgrader or accessing the LTI tool from the Canvas assignment or through the Turnitin iPad app.

What happens when I copy a course in Canvas?

The assignment, settings, instructions, and dates persist in Canvas when an instructor copies a course for a new term.The LTI assignment must be visited (if you load TII inside of Canvas or the LTI tool must be launched (if you load in a new tab) to reestablish the assignment and settings on the Turnitin side. Now, a student can access the assignment from Canvas to initialize the assignment in Turnitin; However, the instructor must set an available from date and a due date in Canvas to allow students to initialize an assignment.

How can I use Turnitin with an essay question on a Canvas Quiz to get an originality report?

There are two options.

The first option is to use a file upload question in the quiz. This allows students to upload a file in response to the question, and the instructor can bulk download the files from the quiz as documented in How do I create a File Upload quiz question?.  Once the students' files are downloaded in a zip file, the instructor could upload the zip file to the Submitting via quick submit on Turnitin's website. This is one good reason for instructors to set up accounts through Turnitin's interface and enable the quick submit in their settings.

The second option is to use essay questions in the quiz. After the students complete the quiz, the instructor can generate an item analysis. Download the item analysis and open it. Next, locate the column with the essay responses you wish to scan, and it helps here if you can search for a key word to locate the column. I always include the word "essay" in my essay questions, which lets me locate the columns I need quickly. Next, copy the column and submit it to Turnitin via cut and paste with Submitting via quick submit 

Here is a video that demonstrates using quick submit:

I want to check discussion posts for originality.

A feature request for using Turnitin on Canvas discussions is under review: . In the meantime, you can navigate to a discussion, select the entire page (ctrl A on Windows; Command A on Mac). Next, use Submitting via quick submit  on Turnitin's website and paste in the text. Some text you may not want will be included like the discussion prompts and your discussion replies to students, but if you can live with that, you can batch scan the posts, and what you copy even includes each student's name, so you know who wrote each post:


I want to use the Turnitin LTI but need a Canvas rubric for grading / assessment

Create your assignment as a Canvas assignment without linking it to Turnitin. Save the assignment. Add your rubric to the assignment, and edit the assignment to enable Turnitin. I

Can Students submit to Turnitin LTI assignments from the Canvas mobile apps?

Not at this time. As per Canvas iOS app and External Apps(LTI), Turnitin needs to make its LTI tool fully compatible for a mobile environment. However, it is possible for students to submit essays by using the browser on their mobile device. Additionally, Turnitin's iPad app supports student use for submitting papers  and viewing feedback. For students to gain access to the iPad app, they should go through the password recovery process after accessing Turnitin at least once through the canvas integration.

Are there any complications with the Turnitin LTI tool?

There is some loss of Canvas functionality that may affect some instructors:

  • Turnitin assignments will only accept one file per assignment.
  • Using differentiated due dates as documented inHow do I assign an Assignment to an individual student or course section? breaks date syncing with Turnitin because Turnitin can only handle one set of dates per assignment. As a workaround, an instructor could set a date in Turnitin that corresponds with the last date in Canvas, allowing all groups to submit to the same assignment, but this only works if your school is not using the custom codes to automatically sync due dates with Turnitin.  Alternatively, an instructor could set up multiple assignments, releasing each assignment only to one subset of students.
  • If an instructor wishes to alter a Canvas rubric on a Turnitin assignment, she must Turn off the LTI to alter the rubric and then reinstate the LTI when done editing the rubric. Warning: disabling the LTI after students have submitted will severe the connection between Canvas and the LTI; you should only do this if students have not submitted.
  • It is not possible to use the Turnitin LTI (or any other external tool submission) with a Canvas group assignment; the option to assign to a group disappears as soon as "External Tool" is selected as the submission type.

I have a question that is not answered here.

You can comment on this blog, and I am happy to help, but I do not work for Instructure or Turnitin and have no inside information. I am an English Professor, and I use the Turnitin LTI tool in Canvas daily. 

I do not like something about the Turnitin LTI. Who should I make aware of my displeasure?

Most issues are going to be with Turnitin. File bug reports and give feedback at Turnitin - Support Wizard.  You can also contact your local Canvas admin to pass feedback to the Turnitin rep for your institution. I encourage you to do this. Let Turnitin know that Canvas users want and deserve their attention. Turnitin is a great product, but it is also an expensive one. Get the most for your money by getting your feedback to the right folks.

However, it is also true that Canvas and Turnitin are working together, and Instructure Employees have initiated discussions on the following known issues:

Turnitin + Canvas: submissions appearing on the wrong assignment

Turnitin + Canvas issue: "Resubmit to Turnitin" button occasionally results in submission getting st...

Turnitin + Canvas: Allow teachers to resubmit on behalf of students

Canvas + Turnitin: Retreive TII originality score again after due date has passed

Questions? If so, please don’t be shy!

Does Feedback Studio alter any functionality?

Community Champion

Hi, Justin.

The API enabled assignments stay in Canvas and all Canvas functionality remains intact when the Turnitin API gets turned off. Submissions and grading in Canvas persists in Canvas once you turn off the API; only the link to Turnitin is lost, which means losing direct access to originality reports and any grading done in Turnitin. Although, with the API turned off and LTI turned on, you can currently see the icons and percent in the speedgrader for past assignments. If you try to click on the icon, you get this error message:


Of course, there is no way of knowing if this will change once Turnitin phases out the API altogether. When we turned on the LTI, I converted my existing assignments to use the LTI without issue.

Although, it is true that the text "Turnitin has been enabled for this assignment" persists in Canvas assignments when the API has been turned off but the LTI tool has not been turned on for that assignment even if the course is copied for a new term; I guess there is some ghost code hanging around or something.

The problem we saw with the API and LTI on at the same time is that it messes up the originality reports. You will get a lot of false positives along with instructors and students freaking out because their reports are in the red. These false reports happen intermittently, but sometimes both the API and LTI produce a report, and they bounce off of each other to give a false positive. The false report says that the student self-plagiarized their own paper.

You should be able to use your test instance without issue as far as I know. That is how we started our testing of the LTI tool.

I hope that helps!

Community Champion

Hi  @jazemlya 

I turned on the LTI in our beta instance first to test things, then went ahead and turned it on in production as well. We are going to make the switch right away after our winter break. I was told by Turnitin support that having both integrations on concurrently shouldn't cause any problems. I know that goes against what others have indicated here, but there haven't been any issues yet. I've spent all day today creating documentation and walkthrough videos for faculty and students. I'm anxious to get this thing turned over!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @dhulsey ​ If an Institution was using the API and now switches to the LTI what happens to the assignments that were graded with the API? Will those submissions be lost all together or just the originality report? If you already have a grasp on this, please let us know what you have experienced.

Community Champion

Hey, Libby! The API enabled assignments stay in Canvas and all Canvas functionality remains intact when the Turnitin API gets turned off. Submissions and grading in Canvas persist in Canvas once you turn off the API; only the link to Turnitin is lost, which means you are losing direct access to originality reports and any grading done in Turnitin. If an instructor wants to preserve grading in Turnitin, they must save the grading as a .pdf one paper at a time before the API gets turned off.

Community Champion

We had the API and the LTI on simultaneously for almost a year before having problems earlier this year. It is possible that Turnitin has done something to resolve the conflict, but it is also true that their tech support sometimes offers contradictory information. Even with the problems, it only took a few minutes to figure out why there were so many redlined reports, so, as Brian says, it is not that big of risk to leave it on.

Community Champion

Hello  @dhulsey ​

We've been using your blog post to assist our admins in configuring the LTI API version of Turnitin. We noticed that your main content has a non-working link to Turnitin's documentation for their side of the LTI equation. It's missing the : in the http:// part of the URL :smileygrin: The full link should be:

Community Champion

Thanks for the heads up, Jeffrey. Fixed!

Community Champion

So I introduced faculty in two departments to the new Turnitin workflows today and had some pretty strong pushback from several teachers centering primarily on the workarounds to add a Canvas rubric as well as multiple assignments for multiple due dates. One teacher made a good point, "If tech is actually a hindrance to the flow of assessments back and forth from teacher to student, it has ceased to be valuable."

This new LTI has quite a few more clicks than the old integration that had a single box to enable Turnitin, and the inability to add a rubric directly to a Turnitin LTI enabled assignment is a huge negative. Has anyone had discussions about scrapping it all together? What about setting up faculty accounts to bulk upload submissions manually through the actual Turnitin website outside of Canvas? I need something positive to say to my teachers about this new switch other than a handful of additional features and the ability to submit Google Docs. I'm coming up short. Help if you can please.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @brueckert , for what it's worth, a feature idea was submitted asking for a change in the way rubrics are added to LTI/External Tool assignments, but it was archived due to an apparent lack of interest:  

Community Champion

Aaaaaannnnnnd resurrected:

I think this is vital to the LTI's long term health within Canvas. Within minutes of my short presentation to the Humanities today, I had multiple faculty members asking to scrap our integration all together and go back to manual uploads through the Turnitin website. I would certainly rather keep everything together in a single place, but if it takes twice as long to use, we might have to jump ship.

Community Champion

I agree that the initial set up is not fun. However, Brian, if your school copies Canvas courses from term to term for reuse, then the good news is that the pain only occurs once for legacy assignments and only a little bit of pain for any new assignments in the future.

All of the advanced options an instructor prefers can be saved as the default options, so the consistent instructor only has to worry about them once. When a course gets copied, using the custom fields provided by Instructure, there is nothing that needs setting up because the rubric will stay, the advanced options will populate with the saved defaults, and the dates and points will sync from Canvas. All you have to do on a course copy is click the LTI button to initiate the assignment in Turnitin, and you are done!

The old API plugin had advanced options, but they did not persist on a course copy, and there was no way to save them. Back then, I edited every single assignment to get the advanced options I wanted. With the LTI, the initial setup took me awhile, but the ongoing maintenance has taken me less time when copying courses for the next term.

I will vote for the rubric feature request when it opens, and I agree that will help sell the LTI to faculty who wish to stick as close to their existing work flow as possible. As it is now, an instructor who wishes to use a different Canvas rubric after the initial assignment set up will have to set up a new assignment, and that is not an acceptable solution.

Community Contributor

It appears that the API integration should be around until the end of Q2 2016.  With that we are likely going to move to the Turnitin LTI integration starting for our summer courses since that will be a smaller pool.  Then anything we learn we can apply to next fall as that is when our old LMS will be retired and all courses will be in Canvas (currently faculty have option to use either).

This should also give me plenty of time to test things out in out test instances and get proper documentation in place.  Thank you for putting this information together on here it has been very helpful.  Also thank you to everyone for your comments i am sure i will have more in the coming months.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @brueckert , thanks! I'm following your FI to upvote it when it opens for voting.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @jazemlya , that Q2 2016 date is useful info indeed. Did you get that directly from Turnitin?

Community Champion

 @jazemlya  I was told by their help team that the absolute latest they would support the legacy API is March. To quote their response, "We have been grating extensions to the Legacy API in very exceptional circumstances and the latest date we can agree to is end of March 2016." This has been several weeks ago so perhaps that has changed. When did you get this response from them?

Community Contributor

stefaniesanders​ and  @brueckert ​,

My Turnitin CSM and a few other admins at peer institutions have told me the earliest date they are hearing is the end of Q2 2016.  This was early last week from my CSM and just this past Friday from other institutions.  I still have not gotten or seen anything official yet though.  I was told that Turnitin and Canvas have been working on an official migration plan so hopefully that will be released soon and we can get some kind of official word then.

I dont see how they can remove support in March 2016 as that will be in the middle of many university on going spring semesters.  Summer 2016  makes the most sense to me and it sounds like maybe they have realized this.

Community Participant

stefaniesanders​ and  @brueckert ​, UC Berkeley is one of the peer institutions that communicated to  @jazemlya ​ and others that we're hearing a Q2 2016 date from Turnitin about when the Legacy plug-in will become unavailable. However, I would encourage everyone to reach out to their Turnitin representative to see whether this date applies to your institution as well. My sense is that Turnitin would strongly prefer a more rapid migration to LTI, but have acknowledged that institutions need more time for change management. In addition, I have been told that new Turnitin-Canvas users are now being required to use the LTI plugin.

My Turnitin rep has assured me that official communication from Canvas and Turnitin about the timeline for Turnitin Legacy-LTI migration is being prepared and will be released in the near future.

Community Champion

Thank you  @jazemlya  and  @stevenwilliams , we very well may be on a different time frame as we are a relatively small K12 private school in St. Louis. The effort it takes to train my faculty on the new LTI is far less than a large higher ed institution. I'm planning on being pro-active and will shut down the legacy integration over our Winter break.

On that note, has anyone completely migrated away from the legacy api? I've been told (by Turnitin) that there isn't anything to do on the Turnitin side of things. What steps do we need to take in Canvas to make sure we have severed all connections with the old, unsupported code? I don't see a place to "uninstall" it so-to-speak.

Community Coach
Community Coach

We have completely moved away from the Turnitin API and now only use the LTI.  It was pretty painless for us because we are still a relatively new Canvas school (going on two years soon), and we didn't have very many people using the API to begin with.  The API is enabled/disabled via the admin pages of your Canvas instance.  So, when we disabled it, it was just a matter of unchecking the box (scroll about 1/3 down the page here to see the screen shot of where the Turnitin API is enabled: What are the Canvas settings at the account level?).

Community Contributor

 @dhulsey ​ I think this is the right place to post the results of my testing the Tii LTI - in both production and test sites using Chrome and Firefox. NOt sure how much is mormal behaviour or an issue - any feedback welcome thanks!

test student submissions ok


a) can see tii colour via grade or view marks link

b) can ONLY access Turnitin OR and GradeMark for marking via Tii rubric if go via Assignment

c)  if go via Speedgrader, feedback link or grades as when click on Tii % or colour get error code 'Couldn't find valid settings for this link

Test students (3)

on production and test site (to access feedback via Tii Grademark)

a) can ONLY access Turnitin OR and GradeMark if go via Assignment

b) if go via Speedgrader, feedback link or grades as when click on Tii % or colour get error code 'Couldn't find valid settings for this link'

d) cannot see Tii colour in Grades view

e) on viewing feedback 2 students i) cannot see associated comments in rubric and ii) rubric displays incorrectly.

f) on viewing feedback only 1 student i) can see associated comments in rubric and ii) rubric displays correctly.

test site

a) all 3 students see feedback correctly including associated comments in rubric

Community Champion

Hi, Nicola. Check your LTI configuration; it sounds like you need to fill in the domain field with "" ("" for UK users); see the annotated graphic in the blog post for more details, or refer to How do I enable Turnitin for an account? in the Canvas guides.

I am not clear on what issues rubrics are giving you or if you are referring to rubrics in the Speedgrader or Grademark. Can you clarify that?

I hope that helps!

Community Contributor


Has anyone figured out how to use the Turnitin LTI with group assignments. When you select the External Tool submission type, the group option fields go way.



Community Participant

In another thread, the inability to use Canvas rubrics with External Tool assignments was identified and submitted as a feature request ( ) -- perhaps the same should happen for group assignments. I've also heard that the LTI tool does not support differentiated assignments, which would pose an issue for the way Turnitin is used at my institution.

Community Champion

Hey, Steven. You are correct that using differentiated due dates as documented in How do I assign an Assignment to an individual student or course section? breaks date syncing with Turnitin because Turnitin can only handle one set of dates per assignment. As a workaround, an instructor could set a date in Turnitin that corresponds with the last date in Canvas, allowing all groups to submit to the same assignment. Alternatively, an instructor could set up multiple assignments, releasing each assignment only to one subset of students, but that does add some columns to the grade book for sure.

Community Contributor

Hi Dallas

It was me who pointed out the UK domain address - I have checked the LTI set up and looks as should be

re Tii rubric view - if  use a rubric in Turnitin - for some of ,my test users - when they go back to the assignment to view feedback in Turnitin and rubric in GradeMark - some are not seeing rubric correctly. Canvas are insisting it is a Tii issue - but is only happening in our live production site (which is not the new UI) - no problem with viewing Tii rubrics in test site (which is new UI)

Tii rubric views in Ti on production site.png

Community Contributor

Turnitin it does not do groups

This means we have to use a groups assignment in BB or Canvas for submission and feedback and also get one team member to submit to Turnitin if originality checking is needed during marking

Community Champion

That does seem like a problem, Nicola. As far as I know, no one at my school is having the issue shown in your screenshots. When I have problems with TII, I send trouble tickets in to Canvas and TII. The first step is almost always saying the other company has the problem, but they eventually seem to get most issues worked out. I find that making a screencast for tech support to illustrate the problem speeds up the process.

Community Contributor

Thanks Dallas

Canvas have confirmed the following

Using the LTI, TII access is limited to that assignment page specifically.  You cannot access TurnItIn from SpeedGrader or the Grades page.  You would have to go to the assignment that you want to grade, and access TII from that page.

I will raise a ticket with Tii now - no real response form Canvas re Tii rubric view issues in Production site ( Tii rubric view in new UI in Canvas not an issue)

Community Contributor

I have also noticed that Turnitin does not email students when they submit successfully ( it does in BB)

Community Champion

I am sorry to hear you are having troubles, Nicola! I can confirm that I currently do have access to Turnitin via the Speedgrader as of this morning while using the TII LTI configured as posted in the blog:


Clicking on the green icon opens the originality report, and I can navigate to Grademark by clicking on the button, and advance to the next student to grade:


However, perhaps things on the UK side are set up differently, or perhaps there is an intermittent bug? Sorry! I wish I could help more. Smiley Sad

Community Champion

I don't know of a way to get an email, but students can download a receipt in .pdf format when they submit their papers:


Community Contributor

Thanks  @dhulsey ​

I have been given various suggestions for set up links here in UK ( rather contradictory) so need to cary on testing them all - will feedback once done and get solution

Community Contributor

Thanks  @dhulsey ​

Our Turnitn account in BB sends email confirmations to students. We have linked that accout as our Tii LTI - no emails...

Community Contributor

 @dhulsey ​ and stefaniesanders

I have now managed to get our Turnitin LTI to work correctly for those of us in UK

These are the key settings to ensure can access Tii ORs via Assignment page as well as via any link Speedgrader or Grades (before due date)


Testing has confirmed that a student who successfuly submits can view the Originality Report

a) from same assignment page within 1-5 mins of first submission

b) from Grades but only before due date  ( there is at least 10 - 15  min delay from first submission for the link to appear in Grades)

A marker using Turnitin Grademark and Turnitin rubric should only access via Assignments - NOTE once a submission has been marked - marker cannot see Tii colour in Grades view

my top tips :

a) access submissions one by one from Assignment view to avoid time out issues i.e close Turnitin window after complete marking each submission using GradeMark and rubric etc ( do not go to next submission from Turntin window - more likely to get timeout - adding comments and completing rubric = activity, scrolling up ad down is not activity and time out is after 30 mins of inactivity

b) start with adding  inline comments, reviewing them to aid rubric completion, then add and SAVE general comments, enter grade LAST

c)  update grade at any time before feedback due date via Turnitin ( if not anonymous marking) - grades changes in Turnitin  feed to grades ( not vica versa)

d) only add comments to Turntin view - NOT speedgrader / grades as such comments are not linked directly to the Turnitin feedback

NOTE once a submission has been marked - marker cannot see Tii colour in Grades view

If marking with Speedgrader and only checking originaliity - can access the OR from Speedgrader view ( but Grademark will not be available)

Students can see their turnitin feedback  only via Assignment (if go via home page> recent feedback or Grades_ only see grade in speedgrader - not Turnitn comments, rubric etc). Best access to inline comments etc is by clicking pen icon from Assignment view (can then switch to OR if wish to)

Community Champion

At the end of December some were saying that the API would be available through Q2 2016, but this was not confirmed.   I have requested this to be confirmed by our Canvas rep as well.

Do any of you know the last word on this subject?

Community Champion

I contacted Turnitin and they said the API integration will continue working until at least the the end of Q2 2016


I heard a rumor that TII will do some kind of webinar or information sharing session early in 2016.  I'll post it hear if I am able to run down more details.

Community Champion

Chris,  Thank you so much for confirming this for us.

Community Champion


You may want to blur out your consumer key in the image you have posted. That is the password to your Turnitin account and should be kept private so that others do not access your Turnitin account.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @dhulsey ​ and vrs07nl​, awilliams​ and  @scottdennis ​ teamed up to black out the consumer key and protect the sensitive information. Thanks for mentioning it. Smiley Happy

Community Coach
Community Coach

I added the custom code to the "Custom Fields" box this morning.  I also changed our "Domain" field to (previously I had the Launch URL in the "Domain" field as well).  I set up a new assignment to test things out, and things are syncing correctly.  When I signed in as a student to try and submit an assignment, I got the following error message.  Anyone else having this problem?  This particular user was not part of our Banner SIS (if that matters).  It was a user account I created manually a long time ago, and I have used it successfully with the TII LTI in the past.  This screen appears instead of the normal TII interface when I am signed in as a "Student".


Community Champion

Does the account have an email address? I often find that LTI's break when that information is missing.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @tdelillo ​...

Yup, the account I created does have an e-mail address associated with it.

UPDATE: I am now able to see the TII interface using my student account.  I didn't change anything on my end to make it work.

Community Contributor

thanks- overlooked that.

Community Contributor

i had this issue. The email has to be an institutional one recognised by Turnitin. So for example our students get a U oR student email address - one we know is recognised by main account in BB. This meant that we had to also set that student email as the default email in Canvas for them to be able to use Turnitin LTI

Community Champion

A feature request to allow users to directly add a Canvas rubric to an LTI enabled assignment just became eligible for voting. Please vote it up so we can hopefully smooth over the rubric workflow.

Community Contributor

Hello Turnitin Integration Experts!

I was just helping someone setup a Turnitin assignment and noticed for the first time that the default setting is to not allow students to see the Originality Report which I didn't notice before. We prefer to let students see those reports for full transparency. Does anyone know if it is possible to set the institutional defaults for TII so I could change that for our users? I looked in the TII admin area but couldn't find anything.


Community Contributor

when you set up Turnitin assessment requirements - using settings from assessment page - you usually get asked if you want to save your settings for next time. The choice follows the USER ( like Turnitin rubrics) so options may appear different depending on who is setting up the options. The only settings that can be set by admins at account level is the copyright declaration  if you use one

Community Champion

Hey, Jessica. I do not think that can be set at the institutional level, but that would be a great feature request to make to Tutnitin for all of the optional settings.

What can be done now is that an instructor can save a group of defaults for the optional settings.

I hope that helps!

Community Champion

Hello all,

Does anyone know of a way to mass upload student papers through the LTI. The use case for this is a teacher who is downloading all of their submissions and marking them up in PDF Annotator or Word. She wants to be able to bulk upload these papers back to the assignment so students can see the feedback (she doesn't want to use SpeedGrader or GradeMark). I know we could edit assignment settings and disable Turnitin, making it a normal Canvas assignment, but I was wondering if the LTI had this kind of option. I'm not seeing it there so I'm crossing my fingers. Thanks!