Assigning weight to each assignment

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Just wondering how to assign weight to each assignment. I've already created assignments but did not see an option for entering their weight for the overall course grade. 

For example: 

Outlining assignment (10%)

First draft (15%)

FInal draft (20%)

My second question is regarding grouping graded tasks under one assignment.

For example:

Academic Honesty Module (10%)

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

I'd like for all the tasks to be equally weighted for the 10%. 

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Hi @eng_prof1 ...

Full disclosure... I do not teach courses in Canvas.  My experience with Canvas has been a Canvas administrator.  But, I'll try and answer your questions...

Just wondering how to assign weight to each assignment. I've already created assignments but did not see an option for entering their weight for the overall course grade. 

For example: 

Outlining assignment (10%)

First draft (15%)

FInal draft (20%) 

You would want to go to your "Assignments" index page in your course and then create assignment groups.  You then put those assignments into their respective assignment groups and weight the assignment groups accordingly.

So, you might have the following assignment group names:

  • Outlining assignment (worth 10% of the course grade)
  • First draft (worth 15% of the course grade)
  • Final draft (worth 20% of the course grade)

Then you would move those assignments with the same names into those assignment groups.  In your Gradebook, you would have three new columns show up at the end of your Gradebook...each with the assignment group names you created.

That only totals 45% of the total course grade, so you'll have to figure out what to with any other assignments in your course that would give a total of 100% for your course.

My second question is regarding grouping graded tasks under one assignment.

For example:

Academic Honesty Module (10%)

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

I'd like for all the tasks to be equally weighted for the 10%. 

I'd be happy to be wrong on this, but I think all you'll need to do is to create an additional assignment group called "Academic Honesty Module" (or whatever you want to call it), put those assignments in that assignment group, and then set the assignment group to be worth 10% of the total grade.  (Again, you'd still need to figure out what to do with the other remaining 45% of the total weighted grade.)

I hope this will help a bit.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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I'm a teacher, and let's make this all simpler!

Assignment Group Weighting is used for big categories of grades. For example, you might calculate your student's final grades this way:

Homework Assignments 10%

Project A - 15%

Project B - 15%

Project C - 15%

Midterm Exam - 20%

Final Exam - 25%

Now, let's look at an individual project (e.g. Project :A). At this point, you cannot use Assignment Group Weighting. This is no sub-tier. At this point, you need to think in terms of points. So let's figure out points for Project A:

Outlining assignment - 10 points

First draft - 15 points

Final draft - 20 points

I hope that this explanation helps to clarify how Assignment Groups Weighting works. 



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Let's answer your second question. There is a really simple answer. 

If you have three items within one Assignment Group, and you want each item to have equal value, just give it an equal number of points!

So you can make Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3 all worth 10 points each. Or, you could make them all worth 5 points each.  As long as each Task has the same number of points, you're good to go.

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