Do I have to use Modules?

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Modules is nice... it lays out all of the pages, assignments, quizzes, and more in a nice outline. But, could I just skip putting stuff in Modules and use hyperlinks from a Home Page instead? It seems to work well. I still use an outline form but this time it's of hyperlinks to and from Pages. Is this alternative method an effective instructional design? Is there some value to keeping everything in the Modules outline instead of making my own linked outline? Our e-learning folks emphasize Modules and it feels like I'd be creating a method of content delivery that might look too different from everyone else. However, it feels more intuitive to me - like using a website. Thoughts?

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There certainly is no technical requirement that you employ modules.  Some people prefer to use modules as their course front page.  Other people create a home page that relies heavily on linking and html.  This is more common in lower grade levels where the teacher wants to simplify the look of their courses.  I've even seen where people have had students access the pages tab directly with no modules or other course structure (although I don't recommend this strategy).

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