Module navigation missing next/previous buttons in discussions (student view)

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We have been developing modules for students which include Canvas pages and discussions. As the site designer when I navigate through these modules, I can use the Next/Previous buttons located at the bottom of the page to move through the modules, including the discussions.

However, in Student View when I navigate through a module to a Canvas discussion page, I lose the Next/Previous buttons. The only way to continue navigating through the module is to return to the module list of items and then manually choose the next item. It's a pain. Is there a workaround?

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2 Solutions
Community Explorer

Hey ChrisKing, 

We're having the same issue here. We heard back from support this morning that it's a known issue and that they're working on it. Fingers crossed it's a quick fix. 

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Hi @ElizabethDeegan,

I believe that is caused by having the Rubric Redesign preview feature enabled without having Assignment Enahncements enabled as well.  I can't find any documentation that says Assignment Enhancements are required for the Rubric Redesign to function correctly, but it's definitely possible it's intended since those are the newest version of both features.  With both options enabled, students seem to see the rubrics normally.


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