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Hello! I created several courses using the same basic template and they've been used by dozens of students in the last few months. Yesterday, I was informed that a student is unable to download documents (PDFs and PowerPoints).  The documents are sav...

  • 5 Replies

Is there a way to get scheduled Teams meetings to show up in the Canvas calendar? Obviously, the students can click on the Teams Meetings tab in the sidebar of the course, but that requires students to check every course instead of being able to see ...

  • 1 Replies

It would be really helpful to have annotation tools in SpeedGrader for discussions, particularly when we're noting spelling, grammatical, and APA errors.It would also allow us to comment directly on the discussion vs. within the rubric.Jus' sayin'......

  • 1 Replies

As an New Admin (about a month into learning) I was asked by a teacher to add a student to a course. The following are the steps I took and still cannot find a "add people" button Admin, People, name of instructor, acted as user, select course, and o...

  • 4 Replies

I am working with a professor who has many pieces of media (audio and video files) embedded into her course using a unique method I've never seen before. These files are used in pages and quiz questions alike. The HTML for the content is something li...

  • 5 Replies

I've had multiple instructors who have issues with the Due Date becoming the Available From date in the discussion redesign. That is, although the Available From date is blank, and the discussion is published and the module is not locked, the Student...

  • 1 Replies

A student is registered for a programme (e.g. Advanced certificate in Health Management) which is made up of 11 coursework courses that each run across 7 weeks in canvas, and 1 research course that runs throughout the duration of the programme in can...

  • 1 Replies

We have been creating training courses for students and faculty. However, we do not want to blast students all the time when we are enrolling them in courses. Can it be considered to enable a function for at least admins to go in and disable course n...

  • 1 Replies

Hey guys. please can someone assisst me by explaining the TCIA program and because i am unable to view the Maths video presentation that i should be observing. please please help me! thanks.   this is the assignment i am referring to. Dear Students T...

  • 1 Replies

A quiz I created in canvas is of 130 points and the points in rubric come to be 390 (with the outcomes).  Canvas is providing grades in speedgrader as the calculation is according to 390 points in rubric, i.e. 270/130 points.I have deleted the rubric...

  • 3 Replies

Hi community, We have SSO configured in Canvas to work with Microsoft 365 accounts, but some learners do not use Microsoft 365. In the Canvas student app learners have no choice and are prompted to login using Microsoft 365 account. Is there a way to...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I recently clicked on my to-do list and haven't been able to change how I see my classes now. It's stuck on the to-do list, I've tried refreshing the page and clearing the cookies and my data but that didn't help. I have looked for ways to fix...

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Canvas Question Forum
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For context, I am a math instructor, who frequently teaches the same courses from one quarter to the next.  One of my uses for Canvas discussions is as a place for students to ask questions that I answer. As would be expected, students often ask the ...

  • 2 Replies

Hello - I'm trying to find a student pairing code so I can add my child to my canvas account.  However, when I go to my account and then settings, the option to "Pair with observer" is not there - how can I add my child then? Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

My office is supporting 2 different re-accreditations for our graduate programs right now, and we are required to include a range of historical examples of student work, including quizzes and designs. Much of this work exists exclusively in Canvas.Si...

  • 1 Replies

I have enabled the 'immersive reader' in Canvas and it works on most assignments posted, but it does work on quizzes posted to take on Canvas...any direction would be helpful. 

  • 1 Replies

Is there a batch edit tool for module access dates that works similarly to the batch edit date tool for assignments? I have an ever-growing list of Blueprints (currently 50) that I need to adjust the module access dates on 8x a year, so currently it'...

  • 1 Replies

Hello!I need to run a report of current students that are failing any classes during the current term. Is this possible to do for all students on our campus and not just by individual classes?  Thanks! 

  • 1 Replies

Simple request. Provide access to quiz moderation so I don't have click through "build".Add Moderate to 3 dot assignment menu for quizzes.

  • 1 Replies

My organization is required by a couple of states to track how long a student is in the course and how long they are on the page. Based on other posts I have read so far, this functionality may not be available yet. How do organizations track the stu...

  • 1 Replies

What setting do I go to when building a quiz to randomly pull questions from the test bank I created? 

  • 1 Replies

The students have taken the test, which was graded and then the rubirc was created. I have set the learning mastery objectives as well for the students and the test and aligned them with the test.However, when I check the Learning mastery in gradeboo...

  • 1 Replies

Good afternoon,  I am assisting a faculty member with a particularly flummoxing problem. They copied content from a '23 shell to their '24 shell The issue that she has encountered and has been a source of frustration is that the PDF files that came o...

  • 3 Replies

How can I duplicate a Self-Grading Survey for daily use across multiple courses? When I made "template" quizzes in a module and then copied them to other classes/courses including the starting course it is now overwriting itself. What's the fastest w...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way with Admin access in Canvas to see the IP address used for a student's assignment submission? Any tips or advice you have is appreciated!

  • 1 Replies

I added a student to a class on the second day.  On the first day, the teacher recorded a lecture on Big Blue Button.  Because the student was added late, he's not able to see the session or recording. Can I give him access somehow?

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi Canvas,  I submitted the following question to the Canvas Question Forum almost a year ago and never recieved a response. My faculty members would really like to know if any of the questions below can be answered. So, I am trying again.  Collabora...

  • 2 Replies

I have two canvas accounts at different domains: Can I merge them? Thanks!    

  • 4 Replies

In the Assign To dialog (e.g., for a Quiz), I would prefer the Due Date, Available From and Until fields be in chronological order:Available FromDue DateUntilIs there a way to change this default order? 

  • 1 Replies

Is there a report in Canvas that would allow me, as an administrator at my school, to see when each teacher did a grade sync for their class?  I'd like to see the full history of the grade sync for each course, or at least the last time the class gra...

  • 2 Replies