Reassign Button Missing for 1 Student

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I have an assignment that students need to turn in. All of my students in this class have the reassign button show up in the speedgrader. BUT, I have one student in that class that the button does not show in the speedgrader. Anyone know what is going on? The assignment is set up just like every other one. They have another 3 attempts to turn it in, and I have graded it and given feedback. But the button is not even there, much less clickable. 


1 Solution

Hi @munrok,

Sorry for the delay in re-responding.  In this case, I think you'd want to contact Canvas support so they can further investigate what's going on with this particular student.  The Instructure Community here is comprised of users of Canvas and other Instructure product, and while we can answer a lot of general questions, about Canvas, we don't have access to your particular Canvas environment to really assess and troubleshoot issues like this.  Canvas support has more access and will hopefully be able to identify the issue or determine if it's a bug in Canvas that needs to be corrected.

I hope this info helps.


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