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We have enabled the Microsoft Immersive Reader and it is pretty cool.  The article doesn't mention that depending on how MIR is set up in your instance, users may have to: Go to their user settings page: and en...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I have created a New Quiz. My students have taken the quiz. I need to grade the short answer and fill in the blank questions that the computer didn't grade correctly. However, the quiz is not showing up under my TO DO List. There is NO Speedgrader bu...

  • 1 Replies

I see that I can easily run a report, using the New Analytics, for the students in my classes (those that I teach), however I am able to run a report for students in my study skills course, for their individual courses? In other-words, I have the abi...

  • 1 Replies

A student submitted an assignment in two parts - one as a file upload, and the other as a text box entry. I can see the file upload submission, but I cannot view the text box entry. How can I view this text box entry?

  • 1 Replies

I recently wrote some exam questions that dealt with how certain C program output would look.  In order to create the question and the answers properly, I used normal fonts for the questions and then specifically chose a monospaced font for the examp...

  • 1 Replies

Hi all-- I anonymously graded an assignment, entered the grades, and unblinded the papers.  I have handwritten notes about each paper denoted by the student number it showed during anonymous grading (Student 1, Student 2, etc).  Now that the papers a...

  • 1 Replies

So we had an old script fire last night, importing an incorrect CSV and creating something like 3600 unneeded courses, with enrollments.  Is there any way to remove these courses without having to do it manually?  I was considering modifying the CSV ...

  • 2 Replies

A colleague enrolled me in her Canvas course a couple of years ago.  I now want to use Canvas as well (as an instructor.)  How do I change my role in my account?  Do I need to delete that account and create a new one?  Thanks.

  • 1 Replies

Hello community! I have recently started designing a few of my course pages using tabs (and I love it as opposed to needing to have separate pages for students to navigate to).  I've been able to copy and paste html codes to get what I've wanted but ...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I posted a question here a while back and have another one. On the guide for accessing pageviews, it is stated that "The Page views section only displays user data for the last 365 days". Is there any way to see activity from beyond this timef...

  • 5 Replies

The student submits and assignment. The professor grades the assignment on a rubric and places annotations on the submitted document. Before the student views the annotated document and rubric, the student resubmits another document in the same assig...

  • 1 Replies

why is it asking for an access code to take a quiz using proctorio when my professor said that there isn't one?

  • 1 Replies

how does it work

  • 1 Replies

We had hackers create accounts in our Canvas environment via public courses so they weren't added via our SIS import.  There are hundreds of them.  Is there any way to do an upload and change the status of their accounts to deleted?  I was able to id...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

It says Winter 2021 - How do I change it to Winter 2022?

  • 1 Replies

Instructor is trying to embed a link to the Chat on a Page. When the instructor edit Pages, choose  Insert>Course Links>Navigation, neither Concourse Syllabus nor Chat show up in the list to embed. Is there a way to get those to show on the Course Na...

  • 2 Replies

When I load up canvas on my laptop my classes wont load they just glitch

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to redesign the Sub Account structure at our organization by dividing them into Online & On Campus >> College of ??? >> Department. I am able to build this in Canvas but cannot assign SIS ID to the department sub accounts. This keeps me f...

  • 4 Replies

Just why? Even in the text it says to Submit an assignment, click the Start Assignment button. There is no timer, there is no time limit, its not a race its a final action, a piece of work is being handed in. If I was to go into a University and then...

  • 2 Replies

HI,I have been trying to access the online obligatory training module I have been asked to do, but when I access Canvas through ‘Go to Canvas’, the dashboard is not responsive and appears be flashing. I am on campus and using a University computer. C...

  • 1 Replies

I hae a student that cannot download some files displaying in one of our Canvas modules. The download bar comes up with the message "download.html Failed - Needs authorisation". I tested this with other student accounts (including my own fake student...

  • 3 Replies

We are just starting wtih Canvas, so far it's pretty good.  I'm a bit stuck working out how to create an assessment that is done in class (where the assessor can assess them, but nothing is uploaded by the student.  I know that we will need to connec...

  • 2 Replies

I’m trying to join a group for one of my classes. For some reason it is not letting me 

  • 1 Replies

Hi, wondering if anyone has found a way for the immersive reader to pick up the RISE content? We decided to import files as pages, rather than assignments for aa few reasons and would like to see if we can get the immersive reader to pick up the cont...

  • 1 Replies

how do you get the image on the home page?

  • 2 Replies

Dear Sir or Madam, My students often do not see all the annotated feedback on assignments when viewing feedback within Canvas.  Would it be possible to revise the instructions (

  • 2 Replies

I've had some reports where teachers are not able to see their gradebooks in the Chrome browser. I am not able to replicate the issue, so we believe this is being caused by some setting in their browser. Has anyone else encountered this recently and ...

  • 34 Replies

Hello!  I am not finding exactly what I am trying to figure out. What I am wondering is if there is a way to create a "text box" similar to a PowerPoint slide or Google Slide and have graphics intermingled with the text? Perhaps in HTML code? My visi...

  • 4 Replies

The dictionary and translate features are going to be issues in certain classes (such as foreign language). Is there any way a teacher can disable these particular features on an individual course level in Canvas?

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

I have a student that I am giving an extension to on an assignment.  However, I want to post an answer file for all of the other students in my course and hide the answer file from the student that has not yet completed the assignment.  The answer fi...

  • 1 Replies