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Hi all I get on login is huge icons. I have allowed all cookies. HOw can I be able to use canvas?

  • 1 Replies

I have read a few opinions on how to import QTI exam format from McGraw-Hill.  Nothing has worked, I still get a failed message.  The file I download is in XML format.  I've tried six times and still get the same message.  I am using the classic quiz...

  • 5 Replies

I remember being able to take a New Quizzes Assessment in "Student View" in Canvas. Now when I try to do that, I see the message "The Quiz is no longer available as your enrollment has been concluded". I know that student view was not available for N...

  • 3 Replies

I set up a group set with 20 groups. "Self-select" is checked. I can see them in my view--both in the group discussion board and in the "groups" tab in "people." However, once I hit "student view" in either of those places, the groups disappear. I ca...

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Canvas Question Forum
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my dashboard on canvas wont open on a desktop computer, but i am able to access it thru the phone app and thru the phone web browser.

  • 3 Replies

I am creating an assignment on Canvas, and the little "+" sign with "add rubric" is not present at the bottom of the assignment page. It is an online submission with text entry. Here's a screenshot of the bottom of the assignment page.

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Most of my grades and work in canvas has been deleted and I don’t know what to do.

  • 1 Replies

When Classic Quizzes is retired, what will happen to the test banks?  Will these be deleted or will there be a way to continue to access them?  The transferring of questions from Classic to New is rather clunky and time consuming.  I'd like to avoid ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,every one Has anyone experienced know how we get the Cybersecurity Document for Canvas? This is required by the Ministry of Education.

  • 1 Replies

Hello community! Why are there three scroll bars that show up now when I'm logged into a Canvas course?  Is there a way to revert back to the previous view? Thanks! Sarah

  • 3 Replies

Hello I would like to retake my last MOOC final quiz 4. I had a connection problem. Look at my grades from before, 0.5 does not coincide with the understanding of module 4. my mail :

  • 1 Replies

Is it safe that initially you set the graded quiz NOT ticking let students see their responses then on the date of feedback, you tick the let students see their responses and show correct answers? Will that affect their scores in any way? Thanks

  • 2 Replies

I am attending the Cambridge course on Strategic thinking for CXO. The couse suddenly disappeared from my canas site after completing week 6 (of  and is not accessible anymore. Please help me restoring!  Thx, Paul

  • 1 Replies

I have some assignments I didn't do at the beginning ,they are prerequisites and are locked, kindly assist me

  • 1 Replies

In LaTex, you may need to use [] from time to time.  For example, for n root the value n must be in [n]. This is incompatible with "fill in multiple blanks" question type for quiz.  Additional answer spot from [n] will show up in your question but st...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I would like to return the student 'daily class assessment' replies in one go! Means wanted to send a common message to all that your submission recorded/marked. Here in the speed grader, I can see an option for the individual response panel. I am lo...

  • 2 Replies

I have a question about the schema of the JSON for a rubric assessment. Specifically, I am working with a GET query that aims to retrieve the marking comments and scores from a rubric: GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/submiss...

  • 1 Replies

Hi I am wanting to schedule blocks of time in my scheduler for students to make appointments with me. How can I do that with two different student groups enrolled into different courses without them double booking the same time slot?  

  • 4 Replies

How do the course start-end dates set by the instructor affect the dates of assignments, quizzes, etc. when a course is imported? More specifically, when the course end date is set for a couple of days after the term ends, it seems to derail the end ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Please, can you add a submission status for assignments that have been submitted but are incomplete?  This would be VERY helpful!  Thank you!

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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 I am using the 'Outcomes' feature in my course.  Several outcomes have been created, with rubrics linked to them and those rubrics have been used to grade assignments.  I'm pretty sure all of that is set up properly. When configuring an outcome, Ca...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I remove a course that I accidently added to my dashboard but isn't published?   I want it off my dashboard. Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

[Not sure if this question is already under discussion elsewhere. Please redirect me if it is.] So I am using a new quiz format for a "survey" graded as "complete/incomplete". I am finding that, once students complete this, the result in gradebook di...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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A Canvas pop up asked me for feedback on an article. I rated it as "very unsatisfied" and suggested that faculty need direct support from Canvas engineers. I got this error when I pressed the submit button. Could it be that the feedback system is con...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

Is there a way to hide all previous assignments, whether they are completed or missing? For our younger students, having all assignments from Quarter 1 still showing when they click "Grades" is very confusing and overwhelming, especially when we are ...

  • 2 Replies

I asked the professor to add "People" function to our course on Canvas. This allows me to see everyone, but when I click on the "Group" tab, the vertical elipses disappears and there are no options to follow steps to create a group manually.  For ins...

  • 1 Replies

I have set up groups for my students as part of a group project they are doing. They are each part of the Project Group as set up in Canvas. However, one student did not contribute and should receive a zero. When I go and change his grade to a zero, ...

  • 1 Replies

I want to know how to get to my class. Canvas talks about how to use and step by step, but never information on where to access my class. It's useless without giving me links to my class.

  • 2 Replies

I'm trying to integrate my canvas classes and Trello. Trello's API makes this fairly simple, I just need to get the data out of Canvas. The problem is I can't figure out how the API works for students. I want to have all my class assignments imported...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I have a few situations for assignments or quizzes: - standard class due dates - adjusted due dates for students with semester long accommodations - adjusted due dates for students with one-time accommodations  Unfortunately, you all know about malin...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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