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I want to create a quizz with let's say 20 questions.the first 5 questions are linked to a specific situation, for which I need to create a common instructions.Then around 10 questions that each is separate, then another bloc of questions that have a...

  • 2 Replies

TL;DR:Question banks on quizzes shared to another person vanish from the creator's library of banks, but are still accessible by quizzes that reference them.The Situation:I have created about 5 question banks, each containing three similar questions ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi.I was taking a quiz for a class and the screen kept glitching because of a pop up notification. The screen would dim and light up with the notification. I have taken many quizzes on Canvas before and everything was fine. I know it was not an wifi ...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to restrict the viewing of a specific module within a course only to specific students? 

  • 2 Replies

I can't seem to download my assessments. If I do it is Html. how to I convert that to pdf

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Canvas Question Forum
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Until now, whenever students would submit Adobe Illustrator files, the SpeedGrader document viewer would read and show the files that students submitted. That currently doesn't seem to be the case anymore? This speeds up grading simple visual assignm...

  • 4 Replies

There is a lot of discussion in the community about where users *don't* currently have access to the RCE - like in Rubric building, some feedback areas, or some parts of questions in Quizzes. And I completely agree, teachers should access to the RCE ...

  • 1 Replies

The option to delete the default assignment rubric does not appear when creating a rubric. There should be a trashcan icon that removes this default rubric. There should be a trashcan icon next to the pencil icon. This allows for the default outcome ...

  • 1 Replies

Is anyone else having trouble deleting the default outcome in a rubric? It was working fine last week. Today the trash can is not there

  • 11 Replies

Me gustaría saber si es posible asignar de manera autómatica la co-evaluación entre los miembros de 1 grupo de trabajo. Lo puedo hacer de manera manual, pero me gustaría poder programarlo.   Gracias

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Canvas Question Forum
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When I take attendance  (once) it shows up multiple times in my assignments.

  • 1 Replies

None of my classes, grades, material etc. is loading.  Other than the titles, everything is blank and I can't log out (there's no log out button).        

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to delete the due date when copying an assignment? I know I can do this when copying a course, however, I have had issues where I would copy an individual assignment, but because the due date was earlier either A) all of my students wo...

  • 3 Replies

I have an observer whose email (@yahoo) has a "!" icon next to it and she is no longer receiving any Canvas emails. This email has worked for years prior. I removed it and tried re-adding it to the account (twice now) but she is not getting the confi...

  • 1 Replies

I notice there's a setting named "Include students in global surveys" at Admin's Setting. But even I turn it on, there's nothing happened and I don't know what's the expected result when I enable it. I searched the key word in Community but it seems ...

  • 4 Replies

Hi,In our organization, we have structured a study path through CANVAS. We also use CANVAS to assess students through quizzes. We have created a question bank from which to draw 50 questions for each assessment, but we have encountered an issue. CANV...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi Canvas,A quiz was shared with me and I accessed it through shared content and imported it. It imported successfully into "inported assignments". Then I deleted all of it... the quiz and the assignment group.Now I have tried to inport from my share...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I have students submit their matlab assignments as .m files. previously this was not a issue and canvas would treat it like a text file. That meant I could comment on their program as if it was a PDF. Recently I have been unable to do so, and s...

  • 1 Replies

As of yesterday I am unable to preview any of the Java source files in the Canvas SpeedGrader that my students are uploading. These files have a .java extension. I have been able to preview these files ever since we started using Canvas a number of y...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 12 Replies

We have some large online programs.  If we use a blueprint and lock certain aspects of the course content, can the due dates for those items be edited by the section faculty?  

  • 2 Replies

I have a course that uses a single web page. The web page links to a quiz, two SCORM module assignments, and then a final quiz. One of the SCORM modules contains a Next button on it that looks very similar to the Next button at the bottom of the page...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

I have been able to add a clickview interactive video as an assignment, and the marks will go straight to my markbook if I use self-marking questions (true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blank). However, I sometimes want open-ended /short answer...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How can I empty my CANVAS mailbox without having to delete message by message?

  • 1 Replies

Students are getting correct answer wrong while answering matching question on quiz.  The answers are selected from a drop down menu.  So how could the answer be wrong, since there is no typing involved. What's wrong and how do I fix it? (Tried to cu...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Regarding the price, i want to know for 100000 students what will be the price

  • 1 Replies

I cannot find the link to my quiz on canvas. The assignment itself exists in the modules tab, but when I click on the assignment, I cannot find the link to the quiz. 

  • 1 Replies

Is there any way to bulk remove observers? I can see a list of all of the observers in 'People' tab, but have to click on each one to try and delete them. I am asking, as we have 28 pages of users that need to be deleted.

  • 1 Replies

Hello, Is there any way to build requisites within a module? For example, students must visit and complete a reading (build as a simple quiz with a "did you do the reading?" yes or no check) before taking a quiz. Or, complete score x% on quiz 1 befor...

  • 2 Replies

With AI tool use so common now with students using the quiz tool for objective testing is challenging.  It appears they can copy the text and then put it in an AI tool to get the answer.  They can do this so quickly that reducing the quiz time limit ...

  • 3 Replies