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Feedback should be welcomed more than once!You've made it frustrating for new users!I never fit in the selected categories and you don't have an ''other '' option. Stinks.It's my centerfold ''turn off'' TOTALLY.MY OTHER COMMENTS DON'T HAVE AN EASY LI...

  • 1 Replies

I am an Instructional Designer and Canvas Admin at a College. We just enabled SSO through MS Azure/Entra, and the /login/canvas "Backdoor Login" remains. I like that for admins, but is there a way to restrict which users can sign into [domain].instru...

  • 3 Replies

When scrolling gradebooks (either vertically or horiztonally) the scrolling line is extremely hard (almost razor thin) to grab when trying to quickly scroll.  Multiple teachers in our district have noted this over the past few weeks and I'm wondering...

  • 4 Replies

With the Microsoft Teams sync feature, all our students are added to a Teams course with the role of member rather than student. We have other products that integrate with Microsoft Teams but as a K12 school, they expect the school to be a Microsoft ...

  • 3 Replies

I have a number of course for which I need to export or otherwise download the assignment brief pages (the descriptions of the assignments, NOT the submitted student assignments). How can I do this ? I'd like them to be saved in some human-readable, ...

  • 13 Replies

My file in the IHEED program was deleted. This happened after uploading many documents and two years of effort. The submitted cases were approved and obtained a high score. After that, the program was deleted. herefore, request that the files, grades...

  • 1 Replies

beore a class starts will will i get a notification prior to it starting

  • 1 Replies

Did the size of the scroll bar at the bottom change, or did I do somerthing??  It's so tiny that I cannnot grab it most of the time.  It's becoming very frustrating.  I've zoomed in and out. No luck.  This seemed to happen about a week ago or so. I a...

  • 9 Replies

I'd like to add my vote that Canvas create a sortable rubric. We all know how tedious it is to create a rubric, realize you left out a criterion half way through, and have to start over! 

  • 2 Replies

Hi everyone, Is there a way I can create a cvs file that has random numbers for variables a, b, c, and d? These numbers are then used in create other numbers A, B , and C. Then create the question: Solve `A`x^2 + `B`x + `C` =0. A = a*c B = b*c + a*d ...

  • 1 Replies

Buenas tardes Comunidad Tengo una pregunta acerca de los cursos maestros y me encuentro por medio del API revisando la relacion entre los cursos maestro y los productivos 1. como se diferencia en la creacion un curso maestro? parametros? 2. como es l...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

with an override column enabled, can I import a csv to enter data into the override column?  

  • 1 Replies

I was awarding badges manually for the first time. Under a participant's name, there was a green button, "Award Badge." I clicked the button, and Canvas gave the badge to someone else. Apparently, the "Award Badge" button under the name is not the pe...

  • 1 Replies

When an announcement is created in canvas and an instructor embeds a video into it, the students who receive an email about the announcement can not see the video in the email (there is not even a desciption or brackets of some sort to even show ther...

  • 4 Replies

I am an instructor who uses Canvas, but have recently enrolled in classes at the same university. How do I switch back and forth from using Canvas as an instructor and Canvas as a student? Thank you.

  • 3 Replies

I have a student who seems to get a blue icon displaying next to some of the courses they are enrolled in. They do not appear to have any missing assignments but these blue dots display in the dashboard. Is there a way to remove them or hide them?

  • 3 Replies

For some reason the normal sized scroll bars have become very skinny on my CANVAS LMS on the grades menu.  The other menus - modules, etc seem to have the normal widthness scroll bars.  I am not sure if this is a setting and I accidently hit some but...

  • 20 Replies

Dear Community I want to know how to enable - Parnet Apps - QR Code Login I can't find in my Admin menu Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

In calendar events there is an option to add bigbluebutton for an individual event, but this isn't available for the appointment group scheduler. Appointment group scheduler is used for staff to offer bookable slots for their cohort. So what's the be...

  • 1 Replies

Hi Canvas Community - hoping for some advice on this one please. We are six years into Canvas as an institution and will be onboarding a team who are existing Moodle users but who we will need to support in transferring their existing Moodle course a...

  • 1 Replies

I have an interesting and somewhat annoying situation.  I have a first year Business subject with 1700+ students.108 students has been allocated to a marker for an assessment.These students are across sections so we created a new section and added th...

  • 4 Replies

I have old version of Examview (version 4) how can get transferred into Quiz in canvas. Thanks

  • 1 Replies

How do I print out class grades with assignments included? I am the class instructor and am suppose to print out each semester grades for each student with assignments included, but do not know how to do this.   Also I would rather not use too much p...

  • 1 Replies

Does Canvas perform optimally on one browser over another? If so, what browser is recommended? Thank you!

  • 1 Replies

My question is that I assign a lot of essays and don't want students working on them outside of class to prevent using AI or other cheating.  I usually lock it and make it due at the end of class, but they get upset thinking they ran out of time even...

  • 2 Replies

I have root admin access so I believe I should have full visibility, but I'm not able to see what account-level permissions a user has when I go to the Admin > People page. Where can I find this? I need to know who has what access.

  • 2 Replies

The update completed in the last 24 hours, reduced the size of the vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the gradebook.  They are VERY hard to grab with a mouse and are increasing the time it takes to grade my student's work.  All the teachers in my...

  • 1 Replies

I am a World Language teacher and want to know if there is an option to have questions on a quiz in which the students can record answering a question or giving details to a picture. We are transitioning to Canvas and I'm currently using Formative to...

  • 2 Replies

I tried for a while to request this in the proper spot for Feature Requests but could not do so. So, I was hoping to post it here, and someone would help it find its way to the Feature Requests ...I use points when grading in my class. However, the d...

  • 3 Replies

I tried for a while to request this in the proper spot for Feature Requests but could not do so. So, I was hoping to post it here, and someone would help it find its way to the Feature Requests ...In our department, about 50% of the professors use pe...

  • 5 Replies