submit an assignment on behalf of a student as an instructor - option not working

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I'm an account admin.

I have activated the submit on behalf of student in the permissions section, but its not showing the option as per the article


Any clues please.  One tutor has it in a few assignment in a course, but not the other assignments

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ian10,

I have a some questions/comments for you:

  • Have you verified the assignments people are trying this with are in fact file uploads?  Submit on behalf of only works with file upload assignments, so perhaps that's what's going wrong
  • What roles do all of your users have?  It may sound like a silly question, but have you made sure you enabled the permission for the right course or admin roles?
  • How long after changing the permissions did you wait until having the person try this out?  There can sometimes be server caches that prevent users from seeing changes right away unless you visit their user profile and hit the clear cache link.

Let us know if any of these things seem to be the cause of the issue you're running in to.  If not, someone else might post with more ideas.


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Community Contributor

Hi Chris

Thanks for the response.  I believe your first question put me in the right direction.  I appears that the Teacher set up the assingment as a Turnitin submission type.  Testing I changed it to file upload and Bingo...  The submit as student option appeared.


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