How do I change the privacy settings on my Projects?
You can set the visibility of individual projects in the project settings menu, as well as manage commenting. Visibility options include public, signed-in Canvas Student ePortfolios members, your connections, and private to you. If your project contains sensitive information, consider blurring sensitive information in any attachments as well as adjusting the visibility settings.
Note: Changing the privacy settings for your projects does not automatically change the privacy settings for your profile. You may want to update your profile privacy settings in addition to your project privacy settings.
Open Profile

To open your profile, click the Me icon in the toolbar [1], and then click the View Profile link [2].
Open Portfolio

Click the Portfolio tab.
Edit Project

To edit the project, click the Options icon [1] and then click the Edit option [2].
Open Settings

Click the Settings button.
Set Project Visibility

In the Settings window, you can set your project visibility. Visibility options include:
- Public [1]: Anyone on or off Canvas Student ePortfolios can view your project.
- Canvas Student ePortfolios Members [2]: Only signed-in members of Canvas Student ePortfolios can view your project.
- Connections [3]: Only users you are connected with can view your project.
- Private [4]: Only you can view your project. Canvas Student ePortfolios will generate a public share link [5], allowing you to share the link with people of your choosing.
To select a visibility option, click the radio button next to the visibility option [6].
Manage Comments

To allow Canvas Student ePortfolios members to comment on your project, click the Allow anyone on Canvas Student ePortfolios to comment on this project checkbox. If this option is disabled, no one will be able to comment on your project.
Save Settings

Click the Done button to save your settings.
Save Project

Click the Save Changes button to publish your updated settings.