Here are some pictures to help set the scene! [Note, I pulled the pictures from Twitter so they are from a number of Uncon attendees, not just me.]
First we snacked on breakfast goodies and did some brainstorming on what we wanted to talk about/do for the Uncon. We wrote our ideas on post-it notes and put them on the white poster paper attached to the walls.

Everyone got a chance to do a 30 second (or so) elevator pitch for their idea. Then we then ran around and voted (with Panda stickers of course) on what we wanted to spend our time doing!

After voting, the votes were tallied and "The Schedule" was created! There were four time slots and three sessions per time slot.

The sessions were pretty open and the person who suggested the idea/topic facilitated, but everyone got a chance to talk, discuss, and collaborate.

Google Doc of two of the sessions:
We were on our own for lunch, but that's ok because that's where the idea of Josh Coates Keynote Bingo came from. All great ideas start on a napkin, right?

After lunch we held the last two sessions that ended up primarily being "Awesome or Awful or Things that Suck" (a crowd favorite) and a group discussion on humanizing the online classroom.