How do I view data connection export history as a Mastery Connect admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin, you can view a history of assessment data exports that were processed through a data connection to a server. Connections are made through either the Ed-Fi API or an SFTP connection. You can view every export attempt and its status. You can sort the exports in a different order or manage them.

Open Admin Menu

Open Admin Menuy

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Manage option [2].

Open Data Exports

Open Data Exports

In the Manage list, click the Data Exports link.

Open Connection History

In the Data Export page, click the Connection History tab.

View Connection History

Connection History displays a list of all data exports made to an external data server connected via Ed-FI API or SFTP. For every data export, the Connection History list displays the date [1], name [2], connection type [3], and number of assessment(s) [4].

You can also view the status of each export in the Status column [5]. One of the following status icons display:

  • Success - The data successfully exported to the server.
  • In Progress - The data is currently being sent to the server, but the process is not yet finished.
  • Queued - The export is being processed and is in the export queue.
  • Failed - An error occurred in the export process and did not complete.

Sort Data Exports

To sort the export list, click the column header Sort icon. You can sort items in ascending or descending order by date, name, type, or number of assessments.

Manage Data Exports

If the export fails or to pull new data, you can export data again by clicking the Re-Send icon [2].

If the export is finished, you can download notes about the status by clicking the Download Log icon [3].

Note: If an export repeatedly fails, contact your IT Administrator.