What are resource pins?

In Mastery Connect, resource pins are files, images, or web sites that reference teaching resources. For example, you may have a resource pin for a PDF lesson about the water cycle, or you may know of a good URL for practicing addition skills.

When you add these teaching resources as Mastery Connect resource pins, you can organize them and share them with others. You can organize resource pins into resource playlists. Each pin is associated with a subject, core, class, and standard, and you can filter on these values. You can also interact with pins by re-pinning them, liking, or commenting on them.

Open Pins

In the Global Navigation menu, click the More menu [1]. Then, click the Pins link [2].

View Resource Pins

By default, the Pins page displays all the resource pins added by Mastery Connect Community users [1].

To view only resource pins from users you follow, click the Following tab [2].

To view resource pins you've added, click the My Pins tab [3].

To view your resource pin playlists, click the My Playlists tab [4].

To view resource pins you have liked, click the My Likes tab [5].

View Resource Pin

View Resource Pin

Each resource pin displays a title or image [1], its number of likes and repins [2], the standard it relates to [3], and the user who pinned or shared it and from whom [4].

Filter Resource Pins

Filter Resource Pins

To search for pins by subject, click the Subject drop-down menu [1].  

When you select a subject, additional filters display. To select additional filters, click the Core, Class, and Standard drop-down menus [2].

Add Resource Pins

To add a resource pin, click the Add Pin button.

You can add a resource pin from a file or a web address, or using a bookmarklet. You can also add a resource pin to a curriculum map.

Interact with Pins

Interact with Pins

To repin, like, or comment on a pin, hover your cursor over the pin. Then, click the Pin, Like, or Comment link.