How do I create and manage a team?
In Mastery Connect, you can create a team of users. After you create a team, you can add the team as collaborators on curriculum maps. You can also make a team the owner of a curriculum map.
Note: You can also create a team while adding collaborators to a curriculum map.
Open Profiles

Click the User menu [1]. Then, click the Profiles option [2].
Open My Teams

In the Profiles list, click the My Teams link.
Enter Team Details

Enter a name for the team in the Name field [1].
Optionally, enter a description of the team in the Description field [2].
Add Team Members

To add team members in the Collaborators section, enter part of a user's name in the Search field [1]. When the profile of the user displays, click the profile link [2].
Send Email Invitations

To send email invitations to each potential team member, click the Create button.
View Teams
On the My Teams page, you can view teams you are in or that you created. You can view the team name and description [1].
You can also the total number of team members [2] as well as profile pictures of each team member [3].
Manage Team
To edit a team's name, description, membership, or to view email invitation acceptance status, click the Edit link [1].
To leave a team, click the Leave Team link [2].
To delete a team, click the Delete link [3].
Manage Team Membership

When you edit a team, an email icon next to a user's name means that the email invitation has been sent. When this icon disappears, it means the user has accepted the invitation.
To delete a team member, click the Delete icon [2].
To add a team member, click in the Search field and add a member [3].
Team Member Accepts Email Invitation

Each user you added to your team receives an email invitation. To be added as a team member, the email recipient must click the email message link.