What information should I know about the start and end of the school year as an admin?

The following lesson answers frequently asked questions and provides end and start of year best practices for Mastery Connect administrators.

For questions that are not addressed below, we recommend that you visit the Mastery Connect  Help Center and Online PD. Both can be found under the Help icon in the Global Navigation Menu in your Mastery Connect account.

Note: To access the Help Center and Online PD, you must first log in to Mastery Connect.

End of School Year


  • All trackers created after July 1 are applied to the next school year. For example, trackers created after July 1, 2022 are applied to the 2022-2023 school year.
  • On July 1, all existing trackers are automatically archived. 
  • Be sure to let your teachers know the archive date.


  • After a tracker is archived, administrators, teachers, parents, and students can still access archived data from a previous year.
  • If you have questions or need to alter the end of year roll over date please contact your Regional Education Consultant.

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum Maps stay active from year to year, and can be edited and/or copied for use the following year.

Start of School Year

Add Teachers and Students

If Mastery Connect is synced with a Student Information System (SIS), all teacher and student information updates automatically.

If your school does not have Mastery Connect synced with a SIS, you can add teachers and students manually.  

Suspend Teacher Accounts

When a teacher is removed from the SIS, their account is suspended. Student data remains in the system, but the teacher can no longer access the account.

If your school does not have Mastery Connect synced with a SIS, you can suspend teacher accounts in the Manage Teachers page.

Delete Student Accounts

If you school does not have Mastery Connect synced with a SIS, you can delete student accounts in the Manage Students page.

Access Student Data from a Previous Year

If Mastery Connect is synced with your Student Information System, you can search and view an individual student's trackers and progress for the current and archived years. Learn how to view student data from a previous year for administrators.

Note: If your school or district is not synced with a Student Information System, previous student data will not be linked to current students in Mastery Connect.

Online PD

Before the start of the school year, encourage teachers and staff to view the Online PD courses that are available in their accounts.

View online help articles for Teachers.