How do I search and view my Mastery Connect support tickets?

When you are logged in to Mastery Connect, you can view your support tickets in the Instructure support portal.  The support portal will display all tickets in your account, and can be filtered to display tickets that meet specific criteria.

Note: Support tickets display in the Instructure support portal if they were created after February 1, 2023 or if the tickets are still open.

If you are a Canvas Field Admin, you must log in to the Canvas Field Admin console to submit your Mastery Connect support ticket.

Open Support Portal

Open SupportPortal

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Help icon [1]. Then, click the Submit a support request link [2].

Sort Case List

All of your support cases display in a sortable table.

To sort by case number in ascending or descending order, click the Sort Cases icon [1].  

To sort by the date most or least recently modified, click the Sort Last Modified icon [2].

To sort cases by newest or oldest opening date, click the Date/Time Opened icon [3].

All other columns can be sorted in alphabetic or reverse alphabetic order by clicking a column's sort icon.

To adjust the width of a column header, hover the cursor over a header edge and use the handle to click and drag to resize the header [4].

Search or Filter Case List

To search for a case by case number, status, or subject enter information in the Search field [1].

To filter the table, click the Filter drop-down menu [2]. Then, click a filter name [3].

To search for a filter name in the list, enter it in the Search Lists field [4].

To select a filter to display by default when you open the support portal, click the Pin icon [5]. Then, click the filter name [6].

Open Case

To view a case, click the Case Number link.

View Case Details

The Case Details page displays all information about the case.

To view case activity in a list view, click the Chatter tab [1]. The Chatter tab is a history of email correspondence and other updates to your support case.

To sort the Chatter feed by newest post, oldest post, or post with the most recent activity, click the Sort by drop-down menu [2].

To search for a post in the feed, enter text in the Search this feed... field [3].

To filter the feed, click the Filter drop-down menu [4]. Then, select a sorting parameter from the list [5].


  • Although the Chatter feed includes a post and update option, it is best practice to send additional communications about the case via email as replies to your original confirmation email from Instructure support.
  • Users can only view the Chatter feed for their own cases. Communicating via email allows everyone who is CC'ed on the case to view all pertinent communications.

Edit Case CC's

Edit Case CC's

To edit the other users who are CC'ed on the case, click the Case CC's drop-down menu [1].

Click the Edit icon [2]. Then add or delete a user'e email address.

To save changes, click the Save button [3].