How do I access and complete my tasks in Canvas Student ePortfolios?
You can access and complete your tasks in Canvas Student ePortfolios through the Tasks icon in the Toolbar. The Tasks icon displays in the Toolbar when you have an activity to complete. For students, the Tasks icon may indicate they have an assignment or pathway requirement to submit. For instructors, coordinators, and reviewers, the Tasks icon may indicate an assignment in their course or a requirement in their pathway needs to be graded.
Open Tasks

In the Toolbar, click the Tasks icon.
Note: If the Tasks icon does not display in your Toolbar, you do not have any assigned course or pathway items.
View Tasks Page
On the Tasks page, you can view courses and pathways you are enrolled in. By default, courses and pathways currently in progress are displayed.
Courses display the number of assignments in the course and a shaded bar showing your progress [1]. To view details for a course, click the course name [2].
Pathways display the number of milestones and requirements and a shaded bar showing your progress [3]. To view details for a pathway, click the pathway name [4].
To search for a specific task, type in the Search field [5].
View Course Details
The course details page displays published assignments in the course. Each assignment includes an icon indicating the assignment submission status [1].
To view assignment details and complete the assignment, click the assignment name [2].
View Pathway Details
The pathway details page includes information about the pathway including a description [1], percent complete status bar [2], and total number of milestones and requirements [3]. To see the next requirement you need to complete, click the Continue link [4].
To view details for and complete the requirement, click the requirement name [5].
Filter Completed Courses and Pathways
To view courses and pathways you have completed, click the In Progress drop-down menu [1] and select the Completed option [2].
Completed courses and pathways display a shaded status bar [1].
To view details for a completed course or pathway, click the course or pathway name [2].