How do I add Skills to my profile?
You can add skills to your profile to indicate specific areas in which you are talented. Skills can be either soft skills, such as communication, leadership, teamwork, etc., or technical skills, such as specific software you have mastered.
Open Profile

To open your profile, click the Me icon in the toolbar [1], and then click the View Profile link [2].
Add Skill

In the Skills section, click the Add Skill link.
Enter Skill Name

In the Skill Name field, start typing the name of a skill [1]. Search results will display as you type. When you see the name of the desired skill, click the skill name [2].
Save Skill

Click the Save button.
View Skill

The added skill will display in the Skills section. If you have multiple skills, you can search for a specific skill [1].
Canvas Student ePortfolios will display how many skills you have added [2]. To see more skills, click the See More link [3].
Edit Skill

To edit any skill, click the skill's Options icon [1]. You can prove a skill by attaching it to a project [2], edit the skill name [3], or delete the skill [4].
If you have already added proof of the skill, the skill displays a number indicating the number of times the skill has been proved [5].