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As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, announcements were made that school buildings would be closed and that teaching and learning would be done remotely from the homes of teachers and students through online platforms. In a perfect world...

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Canvas LMS

  • 4 Replies

What is an LMS? Is it just a collection of courses and students and grades? A place to do school work? That’s how LMSs are traditionally viewed—a repository of learning artifacts. Canvas is more than that—it’s a learning system and a platform to comm...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 2 Replies

Our teams have several projects still in progress related to our COVID-19 response. These features may continue to be released weekly when available through May 2020. If no features are ready to be released on a given weekend, no Ready Release will t...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

Release Communications

  • 23 Replies

[UPDATE 2020-09-20] Because of challenges from COVID-19, the timeline presented in this post has been affected. For the most current information, please reference New Quizzes Users Group. For quite some time now, teams at Instructure have been workin...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 2 Replies

I wanted to take a few minutes and share some of the latest developments coming from my sphere of the Canvas product world. 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 21 Replies

We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback on the similarity score icon changes that will be going to production with the next release. Some questions have come up about how many different icons we display, the nature of the icons, and the purpose behind t...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 0 Replies

With the last Canvas release, we released a survey on the Commons Search page. Please help us fill it out!

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Commons

  • 2 Replies

Canvas Parent 3.1 beta for Android and iOS - incoming!

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Mobile

  • 1 Replies

We’re at nine million monthly active users of the Canvas mobile apps, which is many millions more than when I last posted about Instructure’s approach to mobile. If you’re new to Canvas, or if you’re curious about how and why we do the things we do, ...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Mobile

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Data is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the way we offer education to students. Over the past five years, the Canvas data sharing product has been very important to our users and institutions.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS


  • 20 Replies

With Monday’s Canvas Beta release, we released an improvement for importing favorite course objects from Commons to Canvas. 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Commons

  • 0 Replies

What’s in a name? What does it mean? Why is it important? 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 29 Replies

Welcome to 2020. I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing holiday break. This time of year always provides an opportunity to reflect back on what the previous year shaped up to be, as well as look ahead to what the new year might bring. I thought I’d take...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Catalog

  • 17 Replies

We are happy to let you know that a Beta environment version of Commons is available. 

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Commons

  • 9 Replies

All about Canvas Parent 3.0 iOS Beta.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Mobile

  • 7 Replies

The Catalog team is working on an automated process that will update beta on a regular cadence so you know what to expect. More information about this functionality will be announced when available in a future version of the release notes.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Catalog

  • 1 Replies

We’re waffling between snow and sunshine in Utah and my discolored pumpkins are shriveled and leaking, so that means it’s time for a fall update! Here’s what the mobile teams are working on.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Mobile

  • 7 Replies

As of October 15, 2019, the Portfolium Network is free and will be seamlessly integrated into the Canvas LMS user experience. 

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Canvas Student ePortfolios

Canvas Student Pathways


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Say hello to the newest member of the Instructure family - Portfolium. Portfolium is your free digital portfolio tool to visually showcase your academic and professional accomplishments and experiences. It is also your own unique personal branding to...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Student ePortfolios

Canvas Student Pathways


  • 14 Replies

Portfolium Folios are a big improvement over the native Canvas ePortfolios in many ways, however it's important to note there ARE differences. Here are some of the more significant differences and similarities.

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Canvas Student ePortfolios

Canvas Student Pathways


  • 2 Replies

Over the last several months, the Instructure product team has been working with Google to transition the existing Google Apps LTI to the new Google Assignments tool. This transition allows Google to maintain their own integration with Canvas, which ...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

LTI Integrations

  • 15 Replies

Thanks for your feedback! We've made several improvements in the last few Canvas releases that are now in your production environment.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 214 Replies

Way back in 2014—which in Canvas time feels like an eon ago—product and engineering devised the idea of a feature option, which was a way to help each Canvas admin manage larger features that may disrupt the workflow if included as part of a regular ...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Release Communications

  • 3 Replies

Hello all! My name’s Daniel Nehring and I’m on the data science research team here at Instructure.  We’ve been busy behind the scenes working on improving our Nudge project that was implemented last year as a part of Canvas X.  

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS

  • 10 Replies

We're excited to be working on an all-new version of the listing and program create/edit page. As with all of our UI rewrites, our goal is to be streamlining the design and leveraging our awesome library of InstructureUI components. We also hope to m...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Catalog

  • 14 Replies

Recently, IMS Global announced the deprecation schedule of the LTI 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 2.0 specifications. Going forward, LTI Core version 1.3 (LTI 1.3) will be the recommended specification for new integrations and any integrations wishing to upgrade...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas LMS


LTI Integrations

  • 40 Replies

Hope summer is going well for you! After the second-rainiest spring on record, the atmosphere over Utah burned away and now we're all walking around in climate-controlled space suits and eating sand. Here’s what the mobile teams are working on.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Mobile

  • 9 Replies

To support educators in teaching Swift Apple's powerful and intuitive open-source programming language, a new Develop in Swift Professional Learning course from Apple is now available on the Canvas Learning Management System.

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Canvas Commons

  • 4 Replies

Last November we posted a proposal for Canvas release changes in 2019. Our proposal intends to improve the quality of Canvas releases, resolve bugs more quickly, and create more predictable releases with a more manageable pace. Community feedback pro...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Release Communications

  • 18 Replies

Last week we made a change in the Canvas Community to update all Arc references to Canvas Studio. Some of you have already seen this change. A more official announcement is being unveiled by our marketing team in a few weeks. Although we can't formal...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
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Release Communications

  • 2 Replies