Activity Feed
- Liked Canvas Release Notes (2023-09-16) for HeatherAhern. 09-19-2023 09:40 PM
- Liked Using jQuery without Custom Javascript for jperkins. 07-04-2023 05:47 PM
- Liked What is New Analytics? for ctitmus. 11-27-2022 10:22 PM
- Got a Like for Re: Is there a way to remove or hide the assignments column in the gradebook?. 11-22-2022 08:11 AM
- Liked What options can I set in a quiz? for ctitmus. 11-14-2022 09:23 PM
- Liked How do I send a message to all students based on specific course participation criteria in New Analytics? for ctitmus. 11-07-2022 06:23 PM
- Liked FAQ: What happens to a user's Canvas Studio media after they leave my institution? for InstContentTeam. 10-25-2022 09:22 PM
- Liked How do I sync course data in Canvas with Microsoft Teams? for ctitmus. 10-12-2022 02:51 PM
- Liked How do I use the Canvas Studio media editor? for emily_allen. 10-10-2022 07:15 PM
- Posted Re: Inbox conversations from a deleted course on Canvas Question Forum. 06-23-2022 06:27 PM
- Liked Re: Learning analytics rubric criterion statistics for SimoneS. 06-21-2022 06:47 PM
- Liked Re: Inbox conversations from a deleted course for Steph_T. 06-21-2022 05:55 PM
- Posted Inbox conversations from a deleted course on Canvas Question Forum. 06-20-2022 10:35 PM
- Liked Re: Successful QTI import but zero questions appear in Item Bank for ColtonSwapp. 05-24-2022 04:44 PM
- Posted Re: Successful QTI import but zero questions appear in Item Bank on Canvas Question Forum. 05-24-2022 03:11 PM
- Posted Successful QTI import but zero questions appear in Item Bank on Canvas Question Forum. 05-22-2022 10:57 PM
- Liked How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader in a course as an instructor? for ctitmus. 05-17-2022 05:27 PM
- Liked How do I edit a course page as a student? for ctitmus. 05-11-2022 07:12 PM
- Liked Assigning Intra-Group Peer Reviews for James. 05-02-2022 02:41 PM
- Liked How do I manage content shared to me from other users? for ctitmus. 04-20-2022 06:57 PM