How do I reply to a message in the Inbox?

Canvas makes it easy to reply to messages from other users in your Inbox.

If your recipient list contains more than 100 users, your message will automatically be sent as individual messages to each user. As the sender, you will also be included in the total recipient count.

If you want to reply to a submission comment, you can reply using submission comments in your Inbox or directly from your assignment or quiz.

00:07: How do I reply to a message in the inbox? 00:11: In global navigation click the inbox link 00:15: Click the conversation you want to respond to? 00:18: Click the reply icon in the message header or hover over the timestamp and 00:22: click the reply icon within the message. 00:25: You can also click the reply icon in the toolbar. 00:29: Tape your reply in the message field. You can attach a file or media. 00:34: When you are ready click the send button. 00:37: Your message appears in the preview text of the conversation and at the top of the individual 00:41: thread. 00:43: This guide covers how to reply to a message in the inbox.

Open Inbox

Open Inbox

In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link.

Select Conversation

Click the Conversation you want to respond to [1]. Click the Reply icon in the message header, or hover over the timestamp and click the Reply icon within the message [2]. You can also click the Reply icon in the toolbar [3].

Note: If there is more than one recipient, you can reply-all to the conversation and everyone included will see your reply.

Reply to Message

Reply to Message

Type your reply in the message field [1]. You can attach a file or media [2]. When you are ready, click the Send button [3].

View Sent Message

Your message appears in the preview text of the conversation [1] and at the top of the individual thread [2].