[Inbox] Signature Block

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

It would be nice to have the option to add a signature block that can automatically be added to "Inbox" messages as well as discussion posts.

Community Member

This is such a standard feature on even the most rudimentary email programs that I was really surprised to see it not an option in Canvas. I want to be sure that my students have important contact information about me when corresponding with them - email address, phone, campus affiliation, etc. and a signature block on an email accomplishes all of this while also lending a certain degree of professionalism to my conversations. 

Community Champion

Hi Everyone:

In reading the responses to this feature idea, I am seeing many that expect the Conversations function in Canvas to be email, which it is not. For me, the inbox does already identify me to those I send messages to, and I post all the information that would be in a "signature block'. in two places in my Canvas classrooms.

As much as I detest platform feature bloat, I recognize that users are looking for more email-like features for the Conversations function. Towards that end, I thought I might share some other related features ideas you may wish to review and support.


Community Novice

A signature block would be very helpful. I send feedback to on-campus and online students via Canvas just about everyday. My Outlook signature block also contains a link where my students can make appointment with me directly using an online scheduling platform. This save the students and myself a lot of time. A student can go online anytime to get a meeting day/time. I would add more thoughts here, but Kelley has laid out what I would add and then some. I also wanted to add, what I am doing now is doing a copy and paste of my Outlook signature block. However, none of the hyperlinks in the block are active when sent in Canvas.

Thank you.


Community Novice

I am happy to see others share the same view points, having to leave my current message on Canvas to then go to my sent folder of outlook to then copy and paste my signature from a message sent or create a new mail, just causes so much extra work just so people can have all relevant contact details.

Community Novice

It's ridiculous not to have a signature block function on a program that professionals are using. We shouldn't have to cut and paste a signature block every time we send an e-mail out.  Every other e-mail function has this.  Not sure why it has to get "traction" to be implemented. I won't be using the e-mail function of Canvas until this is fixed.

Community Member

I think a Signature Block is a very good way to spread message across the discussion board. As the instructor posts the most, a signature block makes it easy to spread messages all throughout the discussion threads. Please add this soon. Now more than ever that everyone seems to be doing online learning. 

Community Novice

I concur and have asked for a signature block in the past. My university is taking a three week no student contact because of COVID 19. Several other universities are doing the same thing or at least something similar across the state and many other states. It is time to include an instructor signature block in the Canvas e-mail system. Thank you.

Community Explorer

Everyone keeps saying that Canvas does not have a signature feature.  However, every time I send an email to my students, Canvas signs it for me.  I cannot see it in my original message but students see it when they get my email.  I am aware of it because I can see that signature whenever students reply to my original email and it is included in the thread.  That "signature" looks very strange and I would love to have control of what is attached at the end of each message I sent in Canvas.  

signature attached to each message sent using Inbox in Canvas

Community Novice

In addition to being able to include important messages and contact information, the signature block is an important tool for building inclusivity. At our college, we identify our pronouns in our signatures in order to signal to students that it is a safe space and to encourage them to share theirs as well. Please add this feature.

Community Participant

I agree that a signature block feature for Canvas messages in a sorely needed feature.  This deficiency is one reason that I use Canvas messaging as little as possible, and favor regular e-mail.  

A signature block is a standard feature of every or almost every popular e-mail client.  Some employers mandate that their employees use a standard format for signature blocks of e-mails.