Canvas Ideas

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20 Ideas in: Added To Theme

Problem statement: Canvas allows instructors to select a premade grading schema, or create their own. However, if an instructor wants to share this schema with their students, they must take a manual ...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

Problem statement: The "What-If Scores" function is confusing for both the student and others who may need to look at a student's grades: parents, athletic coaches, etc. It appears, to the student, th...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 2 Replies

Problem statement: The Canvas SIS Integration does not currently sync assignments to a connected SIS until at least one graded submission exists. I'd like to request a feature that would allow the syn...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

Problem statement: Canvas currently allows students to sort their graded by module, but when sorted, students cannot tell which assignments belong to which module from that view. Similarly, they canno...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

Problem statement: Students need to be able to view their grades by semester. As a K-12 district that imports terms from our SIS, students can view All Grading Periods or by the quarter. Our students ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

Problem statement: The issue I have is the inability to manually select which columns in the gradebook show to students in their view, and which do not. While the system does allow for ungraded items ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

Problem statement: When using/following directions in the default emails and settings in Catalog, a student who enrolls in a course that has a start date in the future (in the Canvas Course Settings) ...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

Problem statement: A semester-long project is introduced at the beginning of the semester. Students are given a page which gives instructions for the project. At the end of the semester, students subm...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

Some of our faculty wish to block access to their Canvas sites during the administration of exams. Currently our solution is to have them manually adjust the start/end dates of the course and block st...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 14 Replies

When building rubrics, it could be very valuable to be able to include hyperlinks or basic formatting to criterion details and rating descriptions. It would make the feedback/feedforward loop much mor...

Community Team Canvas Ideas
  • 17 Replies

It would be nice if students could access an answer key immediate upon submission of an assignment to assess their work. This can already be done in quizzes, but the quiz function has other limitation...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

Assignment Groups %'s should be optional. Students think the % is their grade. Could a progress bar be used instead of numerical progress for Assignment Groups? This change would help limit student gr...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

The issue: For a Group Assignment, if a student does not belong to a group, neither they or the instructor will see comments left for the student in SpeedGrader or Submission Details.  However, the co...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

When students re-submit their work, the original feedback from the teacher is saved. Additionally, students can indicate they've 'accepted' or 'rejected' the feedback (similar to Goggle Docs Comments)...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

On this page "<course_id>/users" add a column (or columns) to show which group a student has been assigned to. At the moment we have: Name, Login ID, SIS ID, Secti...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 33 Replies

Canvas creates a default assignment group called "assignments". If an instructor is not using weighted groups or does not have another need for the "assignments" group, the instructor would like to om...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

  Amended after comments and questions from  @James ‌. TL;DR Instructors should be able to add a module progress barAmendment: Instructors should be able to add a module progress bar that includes the...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 28 Replies

Assignments that are due at 11:59pm are marked as all-day events in the Calendar Feed and do not have specific start & end times. As a result, these events do not adjust based on timezone. This is esp...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 1 Reply

We would like to implement standards-based grading for all of our honors courses at our grades 6-12 institution. Yet there are two big features missing from the Learning Mastery Gradebook that current...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

  By default, the "Calculate based only on graded assignments" box is checked for all students in their individual grades view.  In the K-12 arena, this creates much confusion when a student is missin...

Instructure Canvas Ideas
  • 37 Replies