Cross listing new students into canvas

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How do I add students to my class in canvas?

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Community Coach

Hi @ShawnBuddington,

Your post title references crosslisting, but the post itself asks about adding students.  There would usually be two distinct things, although they are both related to enrollments.

If you're teaching two sections of the same course and want to have one Canvas course shell to teach both sections out of, that would be crosslisting.  The  How do I cross-list a section in a course as an in... - Instructure Community - 1261  guide covers how to crosslist as an instructor.  I will say that in many schools/institutions, this is something that their Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) would need to do for you, as the process gets complex when student information systems come in to play, and is therefore restricted to admins only.

Adding users (students, teachers, or others) is also something you may or may not be able to do yourself.  If your school/institution has given you the permission, the  How do I add users to a course? - Instructure Community - 1119  guide will walk you through the process.  I'd say the most common scenario is that your school/institution would handle course enrollments in an automated fashion, but that would be something to ask your Canvas team about as well.

I apologize that I can't give more exact answers as I don't have access to your Canvas account or environment, but I hope this info helps guide you a bit anyways.


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