Moodle to Canvas - Moodle Book Conversion

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Canvas Community - hoping for some advice on this one please.

We are six years into Canvas as an institution and will be onboarding a team who are existing Moodle users but who we will need to support in transferring their existing Moodle course approaches (and assets) across to Canvas.

I'm looking for options in terms of Moodle Book content, and any experiences colleagues can share in terms of creating an equivalent experience in Canvas and migrating content across.

This topic was last explored in 2016/17 so I'm hoping that things may have moved forwards since then (Importing Pages from a Book in Moodle into Canvas) where @dmarkham and @jenny_hopf contributed to the discussions. 

Any suggestions out there, Canvas Community colleagues, please ?

1 Solution

Hello Paul,

K16 Solutions provides an automated migration service for institutions needing to migrate course content from a legacy VLE to Canvas. We've helped many institutions move from Moodle to Canvas over the years.  Below are two case studies from UK-based institutions we've moved to Canvas (though they were both on Blackboard, the process for us is the same).

You are welcome to contact my colleague Sam Yaghoubi (  for a demo and to answer any technical questions you have. We also provide an archiving service for courses that don't need to move to Canvas but need to be retained (it's integrated with Canvas). It's a better option than keeping an expensive read-only access Moodle VLE just to house archived content.

Thanks so much.

Jason Simmons, K16 Solutions

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