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I hope this question is comprehendible!  Is it possible to take the guardian info from the SIS and somehow make that guardian the observer for a student?  This way, all students have a guardian linked right from the start?  We are finding that there ...

  • 6 Replies

When I am missing a student assignment, I mark it as such.  Later, when I enter a grade for the late assignment, the missing status stays on the grade, even though there is a grade for it now.  It is confusing for the kids when they go to look for mi...

  • 5 Replies

I am trying to post an announcement to my students. When I type it, it looks correct, but when I post it, there is a HUGE gap right in the middle of the announcement. I cannot remove this gap. What is going on here?

  • 3 Replies

Every time I open it at night time I get blinded ............梁I really want the following scenario: as soon as you open the site, that deep black background immediately makes you feel much more comfortable. The font color is also adjusted to a soft g...

  • 2 Replies

Hey everyone! I have one more-Actually, I’m setting up an orientation on Canvas for Freshman 2025 at State University, and I’m wondering… is there a way to add some kind of checklist so students can track what they’ve completed?I’m worried they’ll ge...

  • 4 Replies

My Maths team are having a lot of issues with the equation creator in RCE as it doesn't have all the functions they need. I am currently looking into MathType as an LTI, however, as that can have a cost, it isn't necessarily our best course of action...

  • 5 Replies

I have a single "Extra-credit" Assignment Group, worth 7% of the Final Grade.  I want to give 2 extra credit assignments: one that is weighted at 2% and another weighted at 5%. In other words: "EXTRA-CREDIT" (EC) ASSIGNMENT GROUP = 7% TOTAL EC #1 (ho...

  • 4 Replies

Good afternoon,Before I reach out to Support I wanted to see if anyone in the community has heard or experienced this issue:I have had a couple of teachers that have had grades disappear from their Grade book after entering the grades. While I have n...

  • 4 Replies

I'm posting videos on several Pages in my course for my students. If a student goes back to watch the video a second time, will Canvas record that the student watched the video two times?

  • 2 Replies

Checkpoint discussions was supposed to be available in all accounts on 11/16/24. I do not see the option to turn this feature on. Am I missing it somewhere? Or did this feature get delayed?

  • 2 Replies

I've graded a short answer quiz for my students, and some of them had to reattempt due to a glitch. For any student who reattempted, I cannot get their score to show up in the gradebook. When I click to enter, the grade they made pops up, but it will...

  • 1 Replies

Good morning to you all, I am a student for which is intrigued by the prospect of utilizing Dark mode to ail the affliction of the blinding light for which Canvas does not cease to remedy. It is the year, of Two Thousand and Twenty Four - November, a...

  • 3 Replies

Can anyone help with linking NCCER My Lab more than one level to A Canvas course?

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone,Does you know of any Miro boards (or similar) that are designed to help teaching staff plan the structure of their course? Which Modules and assessments they need, and how it's organised?This overlaps with learning design tools, but I'm t...

  • 1 Replies

I'm trying to organize a self-paced orientation on Canvas for next year's summer intake.Any advice on how to set up a course where students can go through the material at their own pace but still stay on track?

  • 2 Replies

I am seeking feedback on how various institutions are setting up rubrics.  I am currently testing a few options: One rubric per assessment piece that a student will submit, set up in the relevant curriculum area sub account (pros - helps with naming ...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Does anyone know if an instructor can remove themselves from a course on Canvas? If so, how?

  • 1 Replies

Hi I am a new user and in order to plan my time it would be nice if the calender in canvas was in line with mine.So I see the samt in both places. Palle korsholm

  • 2 Replies

One of our teachers created a discussion in a course and shared it with all students. However, when students try to access the discussion, they receive the following error message: "Access Denied: You don't have access to view this resource." Here’s ...

  • 3 Replies

Is it possible to access the submission of a student who has dropped the course?In a group activity, one student submitted the assignment on behalf of their group. Since the course instructor hadn’t set up groups in the LMS, marks are manually assign...

  • 3 Replies

How can I delete the History link from my students' Navigation so they no longer have access to view old tests and share the tests with students who have yet to take it?

  • 1 Replies

Estoy llevando un Curso en de innovación en ASU me faltaba un módulo de 3 para terminar esta bloqueado porque me dice que tengo que dar como hecho el módulo anterior, el problema es que ya no están los botones que marcan como hecho o resuelto ni me d...

  • 1 Replies

I'm testing a quiz for my students and one of the questions is a file upload question.  When I click on "Choose a File" a dialog box opens and I can select a file, but when I either double-click on the file or use the "Open" button to complete the ac...

  • 1 Replies

I need to assign modules to specific students. Canvas let me assign 20 out of 50 students in my class but now keeps giving me the error message in the title. Now I can't assign this work. I'm pretty sure that Canvas and AI are going to drive me out o...

  • 2 Replies

I would like to know how I can obtain a certificate for an initial training course?

  • 1 Replies

I have several formula questions in classic quizzes whose answers require scientific notation.  These questions have worked in past years. Today, students cannot input scientific notation (e.g., 6.02e23) even though the algorithm is unchanged and the...

  • 4 Replies

New to Canvas, I did not realise that the grading was set to manual (apparently by default), so after grading many assignments, realising the problem, I changed the grade posting policy to automatic - yet the hidden icon prevails, as you can see belo...

  • 2 Replies

Hello my Institution has created a course that we offer out to individuals. We would like to offer our course to universities so that professors can teach our course to their students in a semester. How would we give professors access to teach the co...

  • 2 Replies

How do I change the settings to not have the attached image page load when clicking on literally anything.  Why can't the tab containing the item I need just load and leave the original page the way it is? It would make navigation a lot easier instea...

  • 4 Replies

We are marking students present and absent in roll call, some tutors have found that they marked a student absent for a tutorial but when they went back to the register the following day to check or update something the absent has changed to present....

  • 4 Replies