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Confession: I haven't been on the community for a while. I knew the UI had changed... but I seem to have lost all the recognition in terms of badges and 'level' that I had built over the last few years.  It took ages to level up to "teacher" status (...

  • 5 Replies

I am an instructional coach working with a group of teachers. They are all getting this error when they attempt to sync their grades:   {"errors":[{"errorCode":400,"codeMajor":"failure","severity":"error","codeMinor":"invalid data","description":"Not...

  • 2 Replies

Hello.When grading an assignment configured for Groups of students, I know that the grade is shown to each student in the Gradebook. No problem with that, that works great.However, I am not sure of how it will work with an outcome-oriented rubric add...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does it reset after a certain time? I want to set a max attempts quiz for 3 tries. But how does a student get a chance to try again later?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello I am Danish administrator and in a meeting for Canvas users we talk about and all agreed that we really need to see the Excel formulas in in SpeedGrader. So we can give the student the right Grade.

  • 2 Replies

Hello all. I need some advice on the best way to do something.  We have a series of manual courses that are blueprinted to in a K-12 environment. These are NOT SIS courses, but created manually. Think about a course that is used as a differentiated r...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Students are uploading final versions of a painting (jpg images) to a Discussion. When I see the Discussion as the instructor, there is a second, "grayed out" due date at the top right corner. When students look, there is only the regular due date (n...

  • 2 Replies

We are trying to set us a quiz to gather feedback on our course (our govt reporting require a self-assessment on confidence before and after the course) and we want our users to make suggestions about future topics. We have put in a single question M...

  • 2 Replies

I have uploaded some PDF files that in my Teacher View are landscape and when I look at them in the Student App they rotate to be portrait which means the worksheets are the wrong way around. There is no option for the student to rotate the pdf file....

  • 1 Replies

We are struggling to understand how to get our application integrated into a school's canvas implementation. They want us to use LTI as the integration method and we are having almost no success. Any assistance would be appreciated even to the point ...

  • 3 Replies

I teach four identical sections of English 101. However, rather than create four sections of the same class, my college's online learning center team insists on creating four entirely separate classes, claiming that 1) students in one section can 'se...

  • 2 Replies

One of my students said he was working through a quiz, but lost all his work after deciding to log out after seeing notification that Canvas had automatically saved his progress. Might you know what caused this, and if there’s a way to retrieve that ...

  • 2 Replies

I´m trying to integrate some LTI into an open source version, self hosted, and it looks like imposible. I had tried even with BlackBoard collaborate or Google Drive. I´ve got every time the same message 'Your LTI tool has been misconfigured, please c...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When I view my course recordings they are all showing my notes when I use power point in presenter view with a single monitor. My notes are not visible to my students during class so why does it record showing my notes? 

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Hello,  I'm an instructor, and I was successfully duplicating modules in my course, when all of the sudden the option disappeared. I was literally able to duplicate, and then 5 seconds later that option disappeared from the edit menu. Any suggestions...

  • 5 Replies

Good morning.  We are a community college new to Canvas.  We're moving from Moodle, and we'd like to hear some best practices for organizing courses.  In Moodle, we start by using categories for the 8 divisions we have.  We then give the respective D...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, We need to track Canvas in a google account with analytics, can anyone guide me through the process for this?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have been trying to upload chapter quizzes from a prior course.   For example, I upload Quiz 1, it runs the loading process, then I look in the Quizzes panel (on left) and it is there and all the questions look right.   THEN, I try to upload Quiz 2...

  • 1 Replies

Hi  We have deleted a submission from an assignment because the student had submitted to the wrong assignment. And the teachers was not finished with all the settings for the assignment but had published it by mistake.  So we deleted the submission b...

  • 1 Replies

Cuando creo un anuncio en mi curso, se publica y se ve perfectamente. Al cabo de los días, entro en mi curso y el anuncio ha desaparecido. ¿Por qué sucede esto?

  • 2 Replies

My professor wants us to make a portfolio of 26 2 to 3 page homework assignments. I corrected my assignments but  she wants us to upload her corrections as part of the portfolio. Can Canvas make it so students can download Feedback as and n...

  • 1 Replies

I'm trying to embed an html file that is hosted on github (not as a gitpage) within Canvas. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to do this?   I'm aware that iframes are a solution especially if the page is already rendered as gitpages,...

  • 1 Replies

Hello everyone, im having troubles with redis. My canvas-lms works correctly without redis. But when i enable start redis, some fuctions seem like to not work as usual. For ex, when i update my password at profile settings page, with redis since i cl...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We are excited to use the Student Annotation submission type, and was wondering if there is an exhaustive list of the file types it is compatible with? I have test a a variety and so far finding it works with Microsoft products (Word, PowerPoint, ect...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Is there a method to copy a file? (I Don't mean move.) My institution Implements laboratory sections of its parent class as separate courses. I teach several laboratory sections in a given semester and have found useful the ability to copy or duplica...

  • 1 Replies

Some of my students have been editing their Canvas discussion posts after sappvalley eeing the posts of their classmates (they cannot see any posts until they post themselves). Unfortunately, the Canvas discussion boards I've looked at conclude there...

  • 1 Replies

My school is currently shopping around for a new LMS and one of the options we're consideAppvalley ring is Canvas. I'd love to hear what your experience with the platform has been like and possibly how it compares in practice to Google Classroom (+ G...

  • 1 Replies

Can anyone assist with understanding Rubic?

  • 1 Replies

I am attempting to export a gradesheet for a class to Excel and retain the percentages showing in Canvas. The percentages originally showed as points in Canvas; I selected to view them as percentages. Can I keep the percentages on export? Thanks.

  • 14 Replies

Hello, So I recently turned in an assignment for my history class. The assignment only allows for one submission and although I have turned it in, there is no indication of submission on the dashboard such as with a submmtited text, checkmark, or a s...

  • 3 Replies