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Hello,I'm a new Canvas administrator and am looking to improve how our school has historically utilized the LMS. Currently, Grades 6 through 12 are using the Canvas LMS.At the moment, we create course shells and then teachers invite students to their...

  • 6 Replies

I imported Announcements from an old Canvas course and updated the dates when the Announcements should post. But I would like to see the Announcements in my Instructor view in chronological order.  Canvas has them in reverse order. See screenshot. Th...

  • 3 Replies

We'd like to allow students outside of particular groups to read one another's Group Discussions for an assignment. Can we do this and how? Thank you!

  • 1 Replies

When I use speed grader to view students uploaded pictures it always loads the first page and when I click the 2nd page it reloads the first again.  At this point I can then click the second page to load that page.  Some days it is extremely slow and...

  • 1 Replies

Hi EveryoneWe are currently exploring the Canvas Calendar functionality to help students with organising their work.The To-Do list is a great tool for helping students stay organised. When items are set as "to-do" in pages, by setting the item as a r...

  • 3 Replies

Hey!I am trying to change the weighting of grades for a course, but when I click on save, my changes aren´t being saved and it continues with the grades unweighted. When I go to the student view, it says "Unweighted course assignments". I don´t know ...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, When a TA comments on a student's assignment, the teacher doesn't get a notification even though the notification settings are "push" for all comments.  Is there another setting we are missing? Thanks for your help. Dave

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Hey, everyone. I couldn't find a place to leave feedback ON the page or an easy way to report a broken link, but the Canvas Release Notes Calendar isn't loading on this page:   c...

  • 2 Replies

Why isn't Canvas is letting me edit the assignment group weights in assignments?

  • 2 Replies

Hi, new student here trying to access the Banksia Care intranet portal. I have to do a role play and the page told me to click the link and enter password and username.Does anyone know what this is? I can't find that in my student handbook either.I h...

  • 2 Replies

Viewing results in the Mark Book History, many students have Not Available under the Marker heading.  This only seems to happen with knowledge questions, not projects. This happens with all Markers using Canvas, in multiple tiles. When this appears r...

  • 7 Replies

Hi there Brains TrustI have been asked about Design Tools but I have no rocket icon and can't find how to add this to whole school Canvas?I would appreciate help with this. Thanks

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to send a message in Canvas. The course is published, but I get the error "Error occurred while creating conversation message" when trying to send the message

  • 30 Replies

Hi there,I am a tutor and several of my clients use canvas. They want me to log into their gradebooks and help monitor their assignments/grades. Is there any way a tutor can log in to multiple student accounts and view their activity? One student gav...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,There is an 'I' next to a student grade with a 1% score in the course. What does this mean? The others represent the grade of A, B, C, etc. The student has not yet had an incomplete filed for them.  

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I created a small course and sent an invitation to my friend just to see how he can see the content and its asking him for the Join code. Where do I get it?I am in a free for teacher account, set him as a student... 

  • 1 Replies

Hello, we have students are trying to do the assignment by check the calendar, and they are clicking the assignment but nothing happened, still in the calendar page. They need go to the course page, then select assignment option, and the assignment t...

  • 1 Replies

My district has year long courses divided into 9 week grading periods.  Grades are to be posted today.  I think I missed a step in setting up course Terms or Grading Periods.  I received the following email from a teacher this morning: "We are unable...

  • 6 Replies

Hello, I am a student that is interested in using Notion to help organize my work. My primary concerns is finding an integration for Canvas that can help port over assignments and data from the calendar to Notion. Notion is a productivity software th...

  • 2 Replies

I have designed an essay quiz for my students for a final novel unit. There are four question banks I am using for this. Each question bank has 10 essay prompts.My question is, if I use the "Build" function for this quiz, if a student needs a second ...

  • 1 Replies

Hey! On Canvas, it says that I should have the ability to submit for a student (I'm an instructor), but I do not. See attached. Why is this?

  • 1 Replies

I'm refreshing an existing course that uses a slew of external resources via URLs. Is there a way to pull just those external links from my course in Canvas?The closest I've come so far is:export course (nets imscc file, which is just a compressed fi...

  • 1 Replies

Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place, I've been thrown into Canvas with zero knowledge. Is there a way of removing points automatically from a Students grading.For instance, if there were two assignments as below: Final Physical hand in - Gra...

  • 4 Replies

On Quizzes, if I set an essay question, how do I access the students' answers once quiz has been completed in order to mark it please?

  • 2 Replies

I registered for courses for the Spring Semester and want to find out the syllabus and the textbooks so that I can get them in advance. Where do I find that information? Thanks.

  • 1 Replies

I have 3 different canvas accounts. Two different observer accounts for my kids' different schools & one free teacher account. Today I tried to log into my teacher account and it has disappeared. It logged my into one of my kids schools and my class ...

  • 4 Replies

I've never seen this notation on previous tests in the moderation page/activity logs.  I've checked the community and see that there are two reasons for this notation. 1) clicking off the page 2) inactivity of more than 30 seconds. I've checked and t...

  • 5 Replies

  Scientific calculator in new quizzes - some buttons such as x^2 and x^y are gray and don't function (see attached image).. does anyone know how to get these buttons to work?    

  • 2 Replies

Images wont show up during exam in Google Chrome or Firefox, intermittently. How can I fix this?Thank you.

  • 2 Replies