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I exported the course content, but when I try to import it into another course, after selecting the file and clicking the import button, it says 'pre-processing' in the 'Current Jobs' section. After 1 hour, it gives a 'timed out' error. I deleted the...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I'm looking for a single field in the Gradebook that can be used to send an API call to a third party system (Salesforce I think) to trigger the student's course completion certificate.  My problem is, most of our courses have multiple assignm...

  • 6 Replies

I need help getting my Brisk extension to work in speed grader to leave student feedback.  Canvas supports Brisk in speed grader, however mine will not work.  Any suggestions??

  • 1 Replies

When teachers are giving feedback in Speedgrader, html code is being inserted.  Has anyone else noticed?

  • 2 Replies

As we move towards standards based grading, we need Outcomes to be added to assignments without a rubric or without making a quiz. This is vital for ease-of-use for all teachers, especially those that don't use quizzes and rubrics, for example, our m...

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Hello, I am a student and I am really struggling with the amount of time I have to spend reading text on a screen. I have spent the past few years reducing my screen time, and now that I have started school I am struggling with the massive intake of ...

  • 2 Replies

On my school districts network I can't log in to the university of Cincinnati canvas page. I keep getting an error message that says please verify username or password and try again. I am for sure using the correct name and password. I have even rese...

  • 1 Replies

I upgraded to the new macOS Sequoia Version 15, and now none of my course content loads. I tried clearing web data, ensuring website tracking and hide IP address were unchecked, but nothing worked. My Safari version is 18, which Canvas said it's supp...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to include students' email in the csv file output from the gradebook?  Is there any way to output a CSV file that includes students' names, SIS IDs, Login IDs, and emails? Thank you very much."

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I think it would be helpful for there to be a "Mark As Read" button on the Canvas Notifications email when there is a discussion post. I usually read all of the posts there and then later see in Canvas that I have multiple unread posts only to...

  • 1 Replies

I am unable to pair my student. Have reported multiple times vide complaint numbers:11177189110596771069910210691942 Would appreciate if someone at Canvas can look into my account and fix it. Thanks!

  • 2 Replies

I teach a course that is co-taught by 5 teachers with 130 students total. We have divided our students into sections, so they remain in the larger class but also have a section assigned to them. I would love to see ONLY my section of students on my g...

  • 1 Replies

Hi. About a couple of weeks ago, along with some patching that went on in Canvas, the ability to include carriage returns in the Assignment Comment library - seems to no longer exist. Specifically, when I create this as a comment, and save it in the ...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,  I have assignments with requirements in one module.  When I move them to another module, the requirements disappear.   I can't find any settings that allow me to keep the requirements.  Am I missing something?   Thanks, Dave

  • 1 Replies

I created a rubric at one school where I work, and I would like to use that rubric at another school where I also work. Is there a way to copy a rubric so that I can use it at another school? I understand how to copy rubrics among courses at a single...

  • 3 Replies

I tried on three browsers: Chrome, Safari and Firefox; disabled ad blocks and tried again, enabled University Cisco VPN and retried but to no avail. Every time I try reloading,  it says:Service is currently unavailable. Try again later.No idea why th...

  • 1 Replies

Situation: We sync our grades from Canvas to FACTS/RenWeb. For various reasons, we have to put holds on student accounts. Traditionally, what we've been able to do with FACTS, is withhold their grades from them until they fix the hold on their accoun...

  • 3 Replies

When I click on "Published Courses" I see there is subtext for the course titles that I would like to change but am not sure how. (Example in screenshot - I'd like to remove "CHAZ".) Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

Can the location input in Calendar Events allow hyperlinks? As of now, adding a zoom / google meet link does not allow a student to click on the link to easily open the meeting. Instead students need to copy the link, open a new tab, paste, and Enter...

  • 2 Replies

I'm enrolling a large number number of staff for employee training that they will be doing on Canvas, and I was told to use the 'notify' column in the enrollment.csv file if I'd like to notify the users they've been enrolled. There doesn't seem to be...

  • 2 Replies

Hi There I am testing a new course that has fake students in there and i have divided them into 4 sections. Our trainers need to observe our apprentices, on-the-job and then submit their PDF observations into each students file. I saw through the com...

  • 1 Replies

I am a new adjunct professor so I am still learning how to use Canvas.  I want to send a message to the students in my class along with two attachments.  Can I do this through Canvas?  If so, how do I do it?  If not, I can send a group email to the s...

  • 2 Replies

I love the Pass back feature offered that enables us to pass grades from Canvas to our sis Aspen. However, it would be most helpful if there was a filter in Canvas Grades that showed ONLY assignments that were "passed back" to Aspen. That way we coul...

  • 1 Replies

Why is the comment section in Speed grader getting worse? When grading I add all my comments on the side. I also save these comments. This year all my comments have no structure, they lost all spaces and paragraphs. Please fix this issue. The comment...

  • 5 Replies

If anyone would like to team up together for this weeks project as a group just reply or like and we can figure out a way to communicate as a group. 

  • 1 Replies

Please left justify the gradebook columns....there is a lot of wasted space, and I have a lot of columns! Dragging the column to be narrower, keeps this wasted blank space in EVERY column.  It appears it is reserved for displaying the eyeball icon.  ...

  • 1 Replies

When emailing teachers about my child, is there a way to copy someone (her mother) who is in Canvas as well? Thanks, Kenneth

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Why, all of a sudden, do we have a big comment box in Canvas? I liked the box that expanded as needed.

  • 6 Replies

There are common problems with the non-synchronization of the voice and the presentation slide materials.

  • 1 Replies