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I have successfully set up the sync with Microsoft Teams and Teams Meetings but for some reason, not all the students are being recognised and added to the Team. We have used the Login Attribute as Email (as our students login with that way) We have ...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,I’ve developed a quiz in my Articulate Rise360 course and uploaded the SCORM package to Canvas as a graded assignment. When I launch the SCORM content, I receive the `studentId` and `studentName` from the LMS API. However, unlike with LTI, there’s...

  • 1 Replies

I have uploaded an mp4 onto my google drive and have made it available to students in my class. Most students are able to access the file, but a couple of students were unable to do so - receiving the message of "contact the administrator of the Goog...

  • 2 Replies

Hi all,I'm an instructor looking for some general advice and corrections to my understanding of options for large courses that use multiple graders to grade submissions.Background. Assume...a 300-student course with an individual assignmentstudents a...

  • 1 Replies

I'm researching the costs associated with building course material for asynchronous courses within the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Tools for Tolerance Educator program.  I find "free" on all website information, but is there a threshold when costs beco...

  • 1 Replies

New to Canvas!!Is it possible to make some content visible to students and some not visible. For instance if I have 3 modules, how can I have one module visible to students and the others not. Is this possible?

  • 2 Replies

Canvas auto-generated a username for my account and I don't know how to change it so it isn't so unreasonably long and random. My email also isn't working as a sign-in method so I'm forced to find, then copy/paste this long username which I cannot re...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Good afternoon, Our first day of class began today, and we're having some strange bugs popping up. The latest one is something I can't seem to solve. A faculty member has some quizzes in their course, which are already published. Bizarrely, 2 of them...

  • 4 Replies

Canvas doesn't allow duplication of a module if it contains classical quizzes or LTI assignments, but our use case is to assign one module to section A  and a duplicated module with different quiz settings to section B. Does anyone know how to do tha...

  • 4 Replies

How do I make an assignment visible to students? When I click on the icon it won't let me enable

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I am a student who found this extension for Canvas called BetterCanvas, it was interesting to me, although I was wondering if I could get some input from the Admins on how Canvas feels about the usage of this extension since it looks like it c...

  • 1 Replies

This is the first I've seen this, but I'm working with a faculty member who has a Discussion (a group discussion, if that makes a difference here) that shows No Longer Available. However, there are no Until Dates associated with any of the Assign To ...

  • 9 Replies

We've come across a bug where g, %, and < characters do not render properly when you create a PDF from the “Download Submission Comments” option in Speedgrader for Mac users.When you download the PDF and open in Adobe Acrobat Pro, the following error...

  • 7 Replies

Good afternoon. How the heck do I submit homework in canvas ? I am lost. Thanks for any help I can get.

  • 1 Replies

Starting up another semester, and it seems like there is something with the frontend or otherwise the stack that Canvas has changed that is affecting Speedgrader and making the overall experience slower:My students turn in a lot of links to Word docs...

  • 2 Replies

Some quizzes are locked in my course and will be opened in week 6 and later in the semester. However, the grade book shows 0 for students, and the final grade takes these 0s into calculation, and all students fail the class. Students worry about thei...

  • 7 Replies

I have an instructor who would like to map her outcome to a group of assignments. Is this possible? For example, 15 assignments that are grouped and weighted under pronunciation. 

  • 2 Replies

If I (an instructor) upload a PowerPoint to my course, I (and my students) cannot download it. Usually, I upload a PowerPoint to a Module. It can then be accessed from the Module or from Files. However, if we try to download/export the PowerPoint, it...

  • 10 Replies

Last semester, I created German-language captions for a video clip in My Media and successfully embedded it into a course. This semester, I am trying to embed the same clip into a different course, but the captions are not showing up in the new cours...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to import content from an archived course into a course. I do not want to import specific quizzes or assessments. I chose to select content and unchecked the quizzes/assessments that I did not want to import. They imported anyway! Any ide...

  • 1 Replies

How can I print/export to a PDF quiz questions with answer explanations? We have set up a number of quizzes, but I cannot figure out how to easily see the answer explanations along with the questions. Thank you!

  • 1 Replies

It would be great if there was an option to batch-edit announcement dates, just like the batch editor for assignment dates. This would allow instructors to place announcements in draft (or schedule them for future posting) in batch. Many instructors ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

After the last update, some established instructors are not receiving about course updates.  Some new students are not receiving Canvas invitations.  Anyone else having intermittent communication issues? 

  • 1 Replies

I'm confused about a recent interface change. The option to delay an announcement is gone. It seems to have been replaced with "Available from" and "until" forms. These don't seem to work the same: I drafted and saved an announcement on 30 July, and ...

  • 7 Replies

My setup for each module is: 1) Note check (photo upload) 2) Discussion post 3) Quiz I have enabled the setting that students must work in sequential order. However, if I excuse a student from the note check in the gradebook, it does not unlock the d...

  • 1 Replies

Canvas has an option to make a file "only available to students with link" but does not explain how to provide a link to a student.Does anyone know how to provide a student with a link to a restricted file in the Files section on Canvas?

  • 5 Replies

I received a paper with a passkey copy to my class to receive the webtext. I am not sure how to obtain this. Can someone please help? Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to find my LLED 401 course from Spring 2023. I have been on fellowship for the past year and I am just getting back to teaching the course this semester. I didn't know that the course would disappear while I was away. Can you retrieve the...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to view a video embedded in canvas and it keeps saying " refused to connect." i dont know how to fix this

  • 1 Replies