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New to Canvas Admin and I think I messed something up.  All of my teachers and students have open access to classes from several years past.  I thought I had archived the classes, but I'm not sure if that worked.  How do I clean up the list of classe...

  • 3 Replies

Students took an exam that I assigned them but I had to assign it to 1 student and instead of adding that 1 student in the assigned to link I accidentally assigned it to everyone (but closed it immediately). The previous gradebook I have has records ...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone has a sample of a csv file to upload Students Learning Outcomes in Canvas via an API call?How should I fill the csv for new outcomes to link them to the appropriate courses.We were able to link and see them to a outcome group, but it does...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,Where are the video recordings stored if they are recorded via the speedgrader? Does this count towards total course storage?Thank you, Ana

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I teach multiple classes and would like the ability to post announcements to multiple (or all) at classes once. These classes are not subsections but are different courses altogether, so the "post to sections" line is not an option. Can we add...

  • 2 Replies

I have an assignment where all the grades are calculated incorrectly in the grade book instead of the point value. The calculation is more than what the actual % should be, and some are recorded as more than 100%. What can caused this?.

  • 2 Replies

My school recently set a grading scheme at the Account level. It uses percentages. For faculty who use points that divide evenly like 1000, there's no problem. Canvas' grading scheme doesn't work well when entering a points grading scheme for faculty...

  • 1 Replies

I accidentally published the wrong assignment in my AP Bio class; however, 1 student actually submitted something for it. (I caught my mistake before the rest did.) Canvas will not let me unpublish it because that 1 student submitted something. Do I ...

  • 2 Replies

Our students are required to complete a lesson that uses a SCORM gradebook pass back. The lesson must be completed before the quiz unlocks. Up until last week, this took under a minute. Recently, however, we have had many students complain that their...

  • 1 Replies

I am teaching four courses.  How do I create my ABOUT your INSTRUCTOR profile just once and then copy it to all my courses?   When you click the three verticle dots to COPY CONTENT...that module is not available to transfer.

  • 1 Replies

I was wondering if there is a quick way to share a list of banks of questions to someone else. I have a list of 20+ banks that I want to share with a colleague, but I don´t want to click the share button in each bank. Is there an easier way to do it?

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to set an automatic reduction in grade for late assignments.  I go to the gradebook and go to settings in the gradebook.  The ability to give 0's for non submissions is grayed out, the ability to automatically deduct points for late assig...

  • 1 Replies

I am looking to utilise an Accordion menu in my pages, however I am looking for a way to use the same menu in each page without having to copy the HTML code into each individual page... I used to be able to do this sort of thing using frames, but as ...

  • 5 Replies

My SpeedGrader suddenly started alphabetizing my students from Z-A instead of A-Z and there doesn't seem to be an option to change that.  This happened suddenly without me changing any settings.I can go into the gradebook and change the order from A-...

  • 3 Replies

I incorrectly created a student account for myself when I should have created a parent observer account.  Is there a way to change the account from student to parent?  I don't want to have to create a new email to create a parent account.

  • 3 Replies

Somehow my speed grader is sorting students in reverse abc order. The list starts with my Z's and has A (last names) at the end of the list. I tried randomizing and resorting, and the gradebook is sorted normally. Any suggestions?

  • 11 Replies

I try to log in as a teacher, but it's only showing my parent account. This didn't happen the first three years I've used Canvas. Please help now, school starts tomorrow! Got no help yesterday, getting desperate... 

  • 2 Replies

I have come across several instances of teachers reaching out after creating a quiz, sharing the quiz with another teacher using "send to" and then the recipient can see it in their 'shared with me" content, but when we try to import it into a course...

  • 2 Replies

I teach at a popular online university and must comment on almost every student's assignments. Is there a way to have a predefined comment such as "please use APA v7 formmatting when submitting your assignments". This gets very tedious during the fir...

  • 2 Replies

I run a Culinary school, and we've switched to Canvas this year.  I typically use attendance/participation as a large portion of each students grade, as we are primarily teaching hands on principles, with limited canvas based assignments.  Is there a...

  • 2 Replies

My students submit mock-ups, physical models, working prototypes, or make a presentation or give a talk. Canvas only features No submission/Online/On paper/External tool. What can I do? The Canvas online help offers no advice.

  • 2 Replies

All assignments have the same availability and due date, and in the student's Grades view, their order is messed up; also one assignment, despite comparison with all other assignments, shows the "-" sign instead of the "crossed out eye" symbol. What ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi! How do I most efficiently set assignment due dates/times for courses that will take place in different timezones than the one I live in (and in which I build the course)? I noticed, when setting a timezone for a specific course that is different ...

  • 2 Replies

My students show up in alphabetical order from z-a instead of a-z.  It only appears this way on my computers, yet on my iPad they are in alphabetical order when I go to my to do list to grade. I have sorted to list alphabetically, but they are still ...

  • 6 Replies

I am an accounting professor and need some help creating a quiz. The issue is that I need to create a table for journal entries. (I am currently having students upload a word/excel file). I can see how to do multiple drop down and multiple fill in th...

  • 1 Replies

Most of our 2023/2024 courses are still active after their end date.  I'm new to the Canvas Admin role and was wondering if this is what they should show?  I ran a provisioning report to check their status and that confirmed that many were listed as ...

  • 1 Replies

Student enrolled in my Canvas class. Student shows up in Edpuzzle class. No videos available to this one student. Other assignments work (i.e. Kami) All others in this class and other classes have no issues with the video assignments.

  • 2 Replies

I would like to understand that even when I check "This is a Group Assignment", how come I still get the option to select Everyone from under 'Assign To"? What does this signify?

  • 1 Replies

Hi @chriscas  I hope you're doing well. I’m encountering an issue when trying to create users via CSV upload in SIS Import on Canvas. The users are being created successfully, but their email addresses are not appearing in the LMS. Instead, only thei...

  • 4 Replies

We have a course which has the visibility settings set to Institution, which enables users of the account to have access. However, we have students in the People and therefore analytics linked to this course who do not attend the college anymore. The...

  • 3 Replies