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I want to change what apps appear in the RCE by default so I can eliminate clicks for students to get to Studio. How do I do I get rid of Discover Ed and add Canvas Studio?  

  • 2 Replies

I am our institution's Canvas admin and I am trying to figure out how to have student email addresses be displayed in the class list for an instructor in one particular class. I found this permission that we already have enabled called "Users - view ...

  • 2 Replies

One of our instructors reported an issue with the equation editor. Directly Edit LaTeX keeps turning on when he is typing in an equation. Whenever I attempt to enter upper case R with subscript eq (i.e., Req), the problem occurs.  Here are the steps ...

  • 5 Replies

While I know that students can be given automated feedback to individual answers, I am wondering if there is any way to automate feedback based on an overall quiz score. The project I'm working on calls for prospective students taking a self-placemen...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I understand there are 2 API's lets say the regular API:Accounts - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation ( Data Access Platform Libraryinstructure-dap-client · PyPIIs it ok to use both, or is one going away?Thanks!Karl

  • 3 Replies
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I mean really.  This has been on the "radar" and "list of options we want" since at least 2011! The discussion board about "discussions" has been alive since 2015:

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi. I want to set up a calendar sign-up sheet within a course on Canvas that allows individual students to sign up for a 30 minute individual appointment with their assigned tutor on a course. There are nine tutors on the course. Each tutor has an al...

  • 2 Replies

How do I download student submissions for assessment from concluded courses? The course has been archived and all the student work are gone. 

  • 1 Replies

When will Microsoft's Reading Coach be available on Canvas? According to Microsoft's website, future updates are expected to provide integration with other Learning Management Services (LMS) including Canvas late spring of 2024.

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How can I export the entire discussion thread from the Discussion Board for use in class later?

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How to book my student ID card from canvas? The rmit app directs me to canvas LMS but im unable to book my student ID card as it says that the page doesnt exist.

  • 1 Replies

I have added too many colors to my text color palette and want to reduce the options. How can I remove colors from the palette? There is a square with the caption "remove color," but I can't figure out how to use it.

  • 6 Replies

I have enabled certain menu options under the navigation tab, but they continue to be hidden on the student view. I have enabled these items (specifically Modules and Announcements) and clicked on Saved. Other menu items I have enabled or disabled ar...

  • 5 Replies

I would like to use canvas, but they ask me to register and then to put my EUID 

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"How can I view Canvas SMTP settings? Also, I want to know if email sending in Canvas test environment works the same as in the original."

  • 1 Replies

The last thread I could find about what features still would be very helpful to add was from 2019 so I wanted to see what current wishes are now since Canvas has improved some things since then. What features are still lacking from Canvas that you'd ...

  • 1 Replies

Why does Canvas make me log in all the time, when my username and password are saved and I always click "Keep me signed in"?Maybe this is something I'm doing but it only happens with Canvas and it's very frustrating. I'm in and out of the platform al...

  • 2 Replies

At our school we offer qualifications that takes two years to complete. We roll out separate Canvas courses for Year 1 and then Year 2 because the courses would be huge otherwise. Also, some students may only take the Year 1 option. Students have acc...

  • 2 Replies

One instructor is having this issue (see screenshot). Grades show only the students' names down the side and the assignment names across the top but the grades table/grid is not populating. When I view the course, I can see everything. When I imperso...

  • 3 Replies

I have a new teacher and have been asked about importing Google Classroom content into Canvas. I have seen information to import from Canvas into Google but not Google Classroom into Canvas. Any help?

  • 1 Replies

As a math teacher, I have been making a lot of formula quizzes and recently decided to add some fractional components and formula quizzes does not like it at all.For instance, while [x]/2 =5 works just fine, if I go into the equation editor and creat...

  • 3 Replies

How do I create Sandboxes for new teachers to our district that will automatically add the Sandbox to their Canvas account? Last year I created the bulk course but had to manually add our new teachers to their Sandbox. See the attached for the CSV. I...

  • 1 Replies

I am wanting to know if there is a way to customize pop up notifications for certain courses for a certain amount of time and say something unique. For instance, when we send out our SETs for the Trimester, we would like a pop up notification to come...

  • 2 Replies

Recebi uma mensagem de um aluno. Respondi e arquivei. Quando o aluno responde à mesma, ela não volta para a caixa de entrada? Atenciosamente,

  • 1 Replies

Would anyone like to share with me their naming convention for the SIS IDs they use for Terms. I need this for the SIS Import csv. Was thinking that the Term 2024-25 would just have a SIS ID of 24-25 or do I need to make it more complex? We have 1 yr...

  • 6 Replies

An Import button is appearing on the Student Groups tab and Instructors who notice it think that they can import to Student Groups, but when they do so, an error message appears.  Referring to documentation, the import button does not seem to exist. ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi All, I've been attempting to set up Canvas Authentication through Google. I followed all the steps mentioned in this guide:  Howe...

  • 5 Replies

Since Canvas appears determined to force the Discussions Redesign on everyone beginning 7/20, I was wondering if anyone has used one of the many apps that integrate into Canvas as an alternative to the built in discussion tool?  I've browsed through ...

  • 11 Replies