How do I manage classroom sections as a Mastery Connect admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin,  you can view a list of classroom sections and edit the sections you have created.

Open Admin Menu

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Manage option [2].

Manage Sections

Manage Sections

In the Manage list, click the Sections link.

Select Section

In the Manage Sections page, you can view the list of available sections.

To make changes to a section, click the Edit link [1].

To remove the section entirely, click the Delete link [2].

To add a section, click the Add Section button [3].

Edit Section

Edit Section

To edit the Section Name or Section ID, click the text box and enter your new text.

Add Teacher

Add Teacher

To add a teacher to a section, click the Add Teacher link [1].  Begin entering a teacher's name or ID in the text box until a list of teachers displays [2]. Then, to add a teacher from the list, click the teacher's name [3].  

Edit Student List

Edit Student List

To add a student to the section, click the Add Student link [1]. Begin entering a student's name or ID in the text box until a list of students displays [2]. To add a student from the list, click the student name [3].  

To delete a student, click the Delete icon [4].

Save Section

Save Section

To save your changes, click the Save Section button [1]. To discard your changes and exit the page, click the Cancel link [2].