How do I add a staff account as a Mastery Connect admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin, you can manually create a staff member user account. Every staff account must include a first and last name, an email address, and they must be associated with a school at your institution. You must also specify the user's role permissions in Mastery Connect. When you create a user account, you can also choose to include a title and an additional contact email address, and you may choose to grant additional user role permissions and specify the user's associated grade level. After the account is created, you can edit the user's account details.

Once you create a user account, the account owner must activate the account.


  • In Mastery Connect, a teacher account is any account that is neither a student nor a parent account. All staff member accounts are considered teacher accounts. However, users with a teacher account are not necessarily teachers and may have role permissions other than teacher.
  • If your Mastery Connect account is configured with a student information system (SIS) integration, staff accounts are added and regularly updated via SIS sync.
  • Your institution may choose to create staff accounts through CSV file upload. After a CSV file is uploaded, you can edit the accounts manually to make updates.

Open Admin Menu

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Manage option [2].

Open Manage Teachers

Open Manage Teachers

In the Manage list, click the Teachers link.

Create Teacher Account

Click the Add Teacher button.

Enter Account Details

Enter Account Details

In the Create A Teacher page, select or enter the staff member's identifying information.

  • Title [1]: select Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr., Mx., or Dr. (optional)
  • First Name [2]: enter the user's first name (required)
  • Last Name [3]: enter the user's last name (required)
  • School Email [4]: enter the user's school email address (required)
  • Alternative Email [5]: enter the user's personal email address to be used in addition to the school email address for activation emails (optional)
  • School [6]: select the user's school (required)

Note: If the user's school is not listed, contact support.

Select Role and Permissions

Select Role and Permissions

You must assign the user a standard role permission. A user's role permission determines their access and permissions in Mastery Connect. You can also assign the user one permission in addition to those associated with their assigned standard role.

To assign the user a role, click the Role drop-down menu [1] and select a role permission from the list.

To assign an additional permission role, click the Additional Permissions drop-down menu [2], and select an additional permission from the list.

Note: When activating a new account, a user can select positional role(s) in profile settings. These roles indicate the user's position(s) at the institution. However, these roles do not affect the user's role permissions in Mastery Connect, which are set in the user account.

Select Grades

Select Grades

To associated the user with one or more grades, click the checkbox next to the grade level(s).

Selected grade level associations display a Selected checkbox [1].

Unselected grade level associations display an Unselected checkbox [2].

Create Account

Create Account

To create the account and send an activation email to the user, click the Create button.

View Account Activation Email

View Account Activation Email

The new user receives an activation email at the new user's school and alternative email addresses.

To access Mastery Connect, the user must activate the account by clicking the email's Activate your account button.

Note: If needed, you can resend activation emails.