How do I send student activation emails as a Mastery Connect admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin, you can send activation emails to students who have not yet activated their accounts. You can send activation emails in bulk to all students at one or more schools or you can send an email to an individual student.

Open Admin Menu

Open Admin Menuy

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Manage option [2].

Open Manage Students

Open Manage Students

In the Manage list, select the Students link.

Send Bulk Emails

In the Manage Students page, click the More button [1], then select the Send Student Activation Emails option [2].

Select Email Details

You can send activation emails to students at all schools or individual schools. To send activation emails to students at all schools, click the All Schools checkbox [1].

To send activation emails to students at individual schools, click the school checkboxes. Unselected schools display an empty checkbox [2]. Selected schools display a check in the checkbox [3].

You can enter an optional email message in the Additional Message field [4].

To send the emails, and click the Send button [5].

Note: Emails are only sent to students who have an email address in their student account.

Send Individual Email

In the Manage Students page, you can send an activation email to an individual student account. Locate the student account, then click the Send Student Activation Email link.

View Activation Email

View Activation Email

The student receives an email containing a link to activate their account.