How do I set up an LTI connection between Mastery Connect and Blackboard as a Mastery Connect admin?
As a Mastery Connect admin, you can use LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) settings to integrate Mastery Connect with Blackboard. Integrating Mastery Connect with Blackboard allows teachers to deliver a Mastery Connect assessment through Blackboard.
To integrate Mastery Connect with Blackboard, you must first generate a key and secret from Mastery Connect. You can then use the key and secret to register Mastery Connect as a new service provider in Blackboard.
Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Manage option [2].
Open LTI Settings

In the Manage list, click the LTI Settings link.
View LTI Settings Page
You can have an LTI key and secret for your entire district or for specific schools within your district. The LTI Settings page displays district-level settings in the District section [1] and those for schools in the Schools section [2].
You can view any existing keys and secrets [3].
To view all the schools in your district, click the View All [x] Schools link [4]
To revoke a key and secret, you can click the Revoke button [5].
Note: Revoking a key and secret disables everything associated with the key and secret.
Generate New Key and Secret
To generate an LTI key and secret for a district or school, locate the district or school. Then, click the Generate button.
Open Blackboard
To provide the generated key and secret to Blackboard, open a separate browser window or tab. Do not close the Mastery Connect window or tab. In the new tab, open Blackboard.
In the top right of the Blackboard home page, click the System Admin tab.
Register Provider Domain

Select LTI Tool Providers, and then click the Register Provider Domain button.
Enter Provider Domain
In the Provider Domain Status section, enter in the Provider Domain field [1].
Select the Approved radio button [2].
Select Site-Wide Configuration
In the Default Configuration section, select the Set Globally radio button [1].
Enter Key and Secret
To enter the Mastery Connect key and secret, copy and paste them from the open Mastery Connect browser window.
To copy the key, return to the Mastery Connect LTI Settings page. Select and copy the key. Then, return to the Blackboard Default Configuration section, and paste the key into the Tool Provider Key field [2].
To copy the Mastery Connect secret, return to the Mastery Connect LTI Settings page. Select and copy the secret. Then, return to the Blackboard Default Configuration section, and paste the secret into the Tool Provider Secret field [3].
To save the information, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button.
Mastery Connect is listed as an external app in Blackboard. Your teachers can now begin to deliver Mastery Connect assessments through Blackboard.
For additional information on the LTI set up in Blackboard, refer to Blackboard's LTI documentation.