How do I find and repin a resource?

In Mastery Connect, resource pins allow you to organize and share teaching resources that are aligned to standards. In the Pins tab, you can search for resources to repin. You can also like and comment on resources.

Open Pins

Open Pins

Click the User menu [1]. Then, select the Pins option [2].

Select Pin Category

Select Pins

In the Pins menu, to narrow the search by category, click a pin category link.

Search Pins

To search for pins by subject, click the Subject drop-down menu [1].

When a subject is selected, additional filters display. To select additional filters, click the Core, Class, and Standard drop-down menus [2].

Select Pin

Hover the cursor over a pin to select and display options.

To repin, click the Repin button [1].

To like the pin, click the Like button [2].

To comment on the pin, click the Comment button [3].

Repin Resource

Repin Resource

To select the playlist where you want to repin the resource, click the Resource Playlist drop-down menu and select a playlist [1].

Standards used in the pin display in the Standards Used section. To delete a standard, click the Delete button [2]. To add additional standards, click the Add a Standard link [3].

To edit the pin description, enter text in the Description field [4].

To repin the resource, click the Pin It button [5].



To comment on a resource, enter the comment in the Add a comment field [1]. Then, click the Post button [2].