How do I post a job in Canvas TalentMatch?
In Canvas TalentMatch, you can post jobs and allow candidates to apply using materials from their Folio. When posting a job, you have the option to enter details about the position including location, competencies, application routing information, and desired work samples. Additionally, you can have TalentMatch automatically invite applicants that match the qualifications to apply for the job.
Post New Job

In the Toolbar, click the Post New Job button.
Enter Basic Job Info

To enter a title for the job or internship, type in the Title field [1].
To enter an overview for the job or internship, type in the Description field [2].
View Progress

As you enter details for the job, the Progress sidebar will automatically update to show your percentage complete [1]. Each section counts for 20% in the progress scale.
Completed sections are indicated with a checkmark circle icon [2] and remaining sections are indicated with an empty circle icon [3].
Enter Job Details

In the Additional Information section, you can add additional details about the job. Use the drop-down menus to set the following details:
- Job function [1]: The type of work required for the job, such as management or customer service.
- Job type [2]: The type of job, such as full-time, part-time, or internship.
- Industry [3]: The Industry the job is in, such as finance or healthcare.
To add an image for the job, click the image section or drag and drop an image to the image section [4].
Add Competencies

In the Competencies section, you can add competencies specific to the job. Competencies are abilities and skills required for success in the role.
To select a competency, click the Competencies drop-down menu [1] and then search for a competency [2] or select a competency from the menu [3].

Enter details about how the competency will be used on the job [1].
To add more competencies, click the Add icon [2].
Set Portfolio Project Types

In the Portfolio Samples section, you can let candidates know what kind of samples you want them to attach to their application.
In the Portfolio Project Types drop-down menu [1], select a project type option. Available options include:
- Examples of coursework
- Examples of problem solving
- Examples of team projects
- Prior work or internship experience
- Examples of leadership experience
- Something more specific
If you selected the Something more specific option, enter details about the specific samples you would like candidates to submit [2].
Enter Job Location

In the Job Location section, specify the location of the job. To allow candidates to work anywhere, select the Anywhere radio button [1].
To specify a location candidates must work from, select the A specific location radio button [2]. Enter the job location using the Country drop-down menu [3], and the State, City, and Zip Code text fields [4].
Set Routing Information

In the Application Routing section, select where you want applications routed.
To have applications routed to a specific email address, select the Email Address radio button [1]. By default, Canvas TalentMatch will enter your email address in the text field. To have applications routed to a specific website, click the Website radio button [2].
To edit the routing email address or website URL, type in the Email Address or Job URL field [3].
Automatically Invite Applicants

When you post the job you can automatically invite matching candidates to apply. To invite candidates, click the Automatically invite toggle [1] and select the number of candidates you want to invite from the drop-down menu [2]. You can select to automatically invite 15, 25, or 40 candidates.
If the Automatically invite option is not selected, no matching candidates will be automatically invited to apply when the job is posted.
Save Job

To post the job and allow candidates to apply, click the Publish button [1].
To save a draft of the job posting, click the Save Draft button [2].