Canvas Admin Discussions

Canvas Admin questions and discussion forum

I have badges in Attendance that I need to delete. When I click on "Manage badges," none of the badges that are there. How do I delete them?

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Is there a way to mark "all entries" as "Read" in threaded discussions? For graded discussions, I use the "Speed Grader" interface (with a rubric). After I grade all the entries, I need to go back to the Discussions and "read" the entries so Canvas m...

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How can I quickly see (as an admin) which outcomes are sub-account and which are course-level? Sometimes instructors incorrectly copy courses from previous terms and end up creating course-level outcomes by mistake.

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Situation: We sync our grades from Canvas to FACTS/RenWeb. For various reasons, we have to put holds on student accounts. Traditionally, what we've been able to do with FACTS, is withhold their grades from them until they fix the hold on their accoun...

  • 2 Replies

When I click on "Published Courses" I see there is subtext for the course titles that I would like to change but am not sure how. (Example in screenshot - I'd like to remove "CHAZ".) Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

I know there are some issues with images not appearing in shared item banks but I need a workaround that may work for this situation.  I created item banks by exporting quiz content and importing it into a new item bank. I then created new quizzes us...

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Why, all of a sudden, do we have a big comment box in Canvas? I liked the box that expanded as needed.

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I am a Canvas LMS Admin for my institution. Below is a feature request I would like to introduce. Feature Request:We request a new feature in Canvas that allows instructors and administrators to globally download all page views in a course. Th...

  • 1 Replies

Hello there, A lecturer has asked this question: When multiple markers are involved in grading, could you please advise me on how to generate distributions of the average, minimum, and maximum marks for each marker using the SpeedGrader? This will he...

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I am having an issue with using Ed Puzzle and allowing users in a course to have multiple attempts at quiz questions embedded in a ed puzzle video. The settings in canvas allow for multiple attempts but if the user does not score the required score o...

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Hi, I want to withdraw the assignment I already submitted. Because I want to change to a new version but can not find this "withdraw" option. 

  • 2 Replies

I want to discard courses (both course content and submissions) and terms that are more than 7 years old from our instance. When I delete a course do submissions still have an independent existance in the instance? Should I perform identical deletion...

  • 1 Replies

I have been posting announcements via canvas but have not been receiving a copy of the message via email. I want to make sure that students are receiving notifications. I had made sure the settings were adjusted and it seems that notifications are en...

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Hi All, Could you please advise me which LTI tool that helps student takes and keeps their notes on Canvas LMS or not? Thank you. 

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I was enrolled in a course and on my TFs system it shows that I am still enrolled but I cannot see the course on the Dashboard anymore. I asked to be reinvited yet even with a new invite the system says that the enrollment link is invalid. I cannot s...

  • 1 Replies

  We’re facing a challenge with our student naming system where we use a format like “Smith_Grade2324” to indicate students’ grades. As students have been promoted to the next grade, we need to update their names to reflect their new grades. What’s t...

  • 1 Replies

How can I highlight from the computer? I can't highlight my readings to study 

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I am using course pacing to give my learners a certain number of weeks to complete the course, starting from their enrollment day. Students self-enroll through companie's website. How can I effectively group learners in the course, to be able to tra...

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Will this ever decrease in price, or offer a self-guided option or a test voucher? As the courses last over half a year (32 weeks), cost over 2.5k (roughly 650/ section), and recertification at the cost of 1k is required yearly, what is the benefit o...

  • 1 Replies

Students who try to submit a file from Google Drive (for a standard Online Submission) are getting an error "Google Workspace LTI is not setup correctly." This used to work and suddenly doesn't work.  We have Google Drive selected in the Admin Settin...

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Hello! One of our teachers ran into an issue while entering grades in the Canvas gradebook where a dropdown menu appears with both titles and numbers and the the teacher is unable type in the grade that they want. It only allows them to select from t...

  • 1 Replies

Can you add observers to the messages sent through New Analytics? Our goal is to send messages to parents that show progress monitoring and allows the parents to email or message back the teacher. I don't see the add observer option when messaging in...

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Hello- I am trying to add two people to a class in our instance. These students were added to another course via a join code and they are in that class. When I try to email them a course invite (no join code) to another course, I am getting a notific...

  • 1 Replies

We would like your engineers to consider adding a feature to schedule due dates for Canvas pages. We would like Canvas to have the capability to differentiate due dates by user, rather than just one universal date. Our institution serves thousands of...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I'm setting up courses for online learning. We don't have set term dates so I'm not sure how to set course durations without putting in actual dates. Basically, we want students to only have access to the online course for 6 months from the dat...

  • 2 Replies

We are contemplating creating a course specific to accommodated students to disseminate information about accommodations such as exam scheduling, etc. However, the students cannot know who else is enrolled. I know how to hide the people tab, but the ...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to tell if students have rejected an invitation to a course?  I've read some older questions on this forum (2018) that said there used to be a report that would show this, but I can't find the buttons they referced and I can't find any...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, just want to know if a student is notified when they are deactivated from a course. Thank you.

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We have math teachers who have individual licenses for Delta Math and need to integrate it with our canvas instance.  I have read their instructions  however, when it says to go to +App, the teachers do not have that option.  I am sure it is a permis...

  • 1 Replies

Do you know if there is a setting in the Admin settings to turn off the option where Observers can "combine" student accounts when they are pairing them?  We just had a parent do this and WE were able to split them, but was hoping we could turn it of...

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