Canvas Ideas

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1008 Ideas in: Open

We use some publicly or institutionally visible Canvas courses to host content so that it can be easily linked and available in our Syllabi and course resources pages.  Unfortunately, links within a c...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

admin, courses, course selection, settings, sections - It would be great if we could set the start date by section. I have several courses that have multiple sections and they do not all start at the ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

In the Learning Mastery Gradebook, there are a list of outcomes from left to right that are in order based on the upload file or import order. The columns of objectives can be dragged and dropped but ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

I really like the color overlay for courses I have created. However, I'm also enrolled in courses created by other instructors, who use colorful images. I have experimented with different color hex co...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

An option to add a brief text description in a module would be helpful. This could be done like the text header, except with smaller font.   It can be used to give an overview of the module's contents...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

When you use the Blueprint feature in Canvas you get a sync log to show which child courses were successfully updated. It also shows which ones could not be updated. If there was a way to download tha...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

When a template is in place in an account or sub-account, the template is copied into any new course created there. Since the Reset Course Content process creates a new course, the template is applied...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

If student names are displayed in SpeedGrader, the default is first name, last name.  When a student has a particularly long first name or names, there is not enough space for the last name to be disp...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

It would save a lot of time if teachers could create any kind of assignment, discussion, page, quiz, etc. -- basically anything -- in the "calendar", instead of being limited to only "Assignments". Th...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

I would appreciate it so much if Canvas could find a way for teachers to "lock" student appointments in the calendar, forcing the student to have a conversation with the teacher in order to change the...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

Teachers have very little control over what students receive notifications for, or over the visibility of course content. It is enormously helpful to be able to set materials to go "live" at a predete...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

Problem: Each semester a few students are confused when they fall behind and the next button brings them to an assignment that is no longer available due to being past the "until" date.  Since "studen...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

To display the last modified date when any files are added/removed/updated to the respective folders..    (Why: It help track if any new changes were made and when)There already seems to be a column/ ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

I just ran my first course New Analytics analysis. I did not read the instructor manual on it figuring I could figure out what to do.  One thing that bothered me was that when you go to the reports, t...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

It would be nice if students could access an answer key immediate upon submission of an assignment to assess their work. This can already be done in quizzes, but the quiz function has other limitation...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

There should be an option to remove assignments that won't count toward a student's grade from the gradebook and the student's grade page. My gradebook is cluttered by formative assignments that won't...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 14 Replies

I would like the ability to quickly access completion of formative assignments and quizzes, similar to walking around the classroom and glancing at the students work. It is burdensome to open each ass...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

I'm using an online OER textbook. I'd like to assign students to read a chapter each week. Right now, I do this by adding a page, typing the information into the page along with a link to the chapter,...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

Assignment Groups %'s should be optional. Students think the % is their grade. Could a progress bar be used instead of numerical progress for Assignment Groups? This change would help limit student gr...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

Now that there has been an update to how we manage Course Dates and use them to override Term Dates, can we also get a similar update in Section Dates? Section Dates still has the "Students can only p...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies